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Unemployment Level

Thousands of Persons
November 2023

Producer Price Index by Commodity: Final Demand: Final Demand Goods

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The producer price index indicates that over the years companies have been increasing the prices of goods sold. There is a drastic increase after 2020.

Real Median Household Income in the United States

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CPI percent change from a year ago after 2020

Change from Year Ago
January 2020


Average household income and percentage of debt by consumers seems to have a slight inverse relationship. As household income increases the percentage of debt goes down and vice versa. What I found interesting was that the household income has not changed much at all and even went down after 2020. This is a problem because the household income is not increasing enough to combat increasing cost of living and rising inflation levels.

3-Month Treasury Bill Secondary Market Rate, Discount Basis

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After 2020 inflation has been increasing while average household income has become stagnant and even decreasing. If this continues debt will continue to rise and people will struggle to afford basic costs of living. The government needs to make different fiscal and monetary policies to combat the increased inflation and make sure the average income is above the average cost of living.


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