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Macroeconomic Data for Chile (DSSG 2018)

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Published: 2018-08-11

This list collects updated macroeconomic data used for the DSSG Chicago 2018 project with DT.

Series 1 - 16 of 16   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Currency Conversions: US Dollar Exchange Rate: Average of Daily Rates: National Currency: USD for Chile CCUSMA02CLM618N Current Chilean Peso M NSA 2025-02-17
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Chile CHLCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-05-15
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Chile CHLGDPNQDSMEI Current Chilean Peso Q SA 2023-12-12
Civilian Labor Force: All Persons in Chile (DISCONTINUED) CHLLFTOTMDSMEI Current Thous. of Persons M SA 2012-08-02
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Retail Trade Volume: Economic Activity: Retail Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles for Chile CHLSARTMISMEI Current Index 2015=100 M SA 2024-04-10
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Labor Force Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LFACTTTTCLM647N Current Persons M NSA 2025-02-17
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Employment Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LFEMTTTTCLM647N Current Persons M NSA 2025-02-17
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Persons Outside the Labor Force Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LFINTTTTCLM647N Current Persons M NSA 2025-02-17
Population (LFS Basis): All Ages: All Persons for Chile LFPOTTTTCLM647N Current Persons M NSA 2019-07-12
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LFUNTTTTCLM647N Current Persons M NSA 2025-02-17
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Working-Age Population Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LFWATTTTCLM647N Current Persons M NSA 2025-02-17
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Employment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LREMTTTTCLM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Inactivity Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LRINTTTTCLM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Chile LRUNTTTTCLM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Chile NAEXKP01CLQ652S Current Chilean Peso Q SA 2023-12-12
Production: Mining: Total for Chile PRMITO01CLQ661N Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2023-12-12

Series 1 - 16 of 16   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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