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State GDP Data

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Published: 2018-11-04

Data Compiled for all 50 states as well as some economic factors that would contribute to their total real GDP

Series 101 - 150 of 300    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Mississippi MSURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Mississippi MSRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Mississippi MSPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Mississippi MSHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Missouri MOURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Missouri MORGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Missouri MOPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Missouri MOHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Minnesota MNURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Minnesota MNRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Minnesota MNPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Minnesota MNHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Michigan MIURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Michigan MIRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Michigan MIPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Michigan MIHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Maine MEURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Maine MERGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Maine MEPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Maine MEHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Maryland MDURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Maryland MDRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Maryland MDPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Maryland MDHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Massachusetts MAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Massachusetts MARGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Massachusetts MAPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Massachusetts MAHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Louisiana LAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Louisiana LARGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Louisiana LAPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Louisiana LAHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Kentucky KYURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Kentucky KYRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Kentucky KYPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Kentucky KYHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Kansas KSURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Kansas KSRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Kansas KSPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Kansas KSHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Indiana INURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Indiana INRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Indiana INPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Indiana INHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Illinois ILURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Illinois ILRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04
Resident Population in Illinois ILPOP 2018-11-04 Thous. of Persons A NSA 2018-01-24
Homeownership Rate for Illinois ILHOWN 2018-11-04 % A NSA 2018-02-28
Unemployment Rate in Idaho IDURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for Idaho IDRGSP 2018-11-04 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2018-05-04

Series 101 - 150 of 300    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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