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State GDP Data

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Published data lists are economic time series data sets that users of this site have chosen to make publicly available. Possible uses include teachers sharing data lists with students and researchers including links to data lists in bibliographies.

Published: 2018-11-04

Data Compiled for all 50 states as well as some economic factors that would contribute to their total real GDP

Series 1 - 50 of 300    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Wyoming WYURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Wisconsin WIURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in West Virginia WVURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Washington WAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Virginia VAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Vermont VTURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Utah UTURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Texas TXURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Tennessee TNURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in South Dakota SDURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in South Carolina SCURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Rhode Island RIURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Pennsylvania PAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Oregon ORURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Oklahoma OKURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Ohio OHURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in North Dakota NDURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in North Carolina NCURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in New York NYURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in New Mexico NMURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in New Jersey NJURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in New Hampshire NHURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Nevada NVURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Nebraska NEURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Montana MTURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Missouri MOURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Mississippi MSURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Minnesota MNURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Michigan MIURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Massachusetts MAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Maryland MDURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Maine MEURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Louisiana LAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Kentucky KYURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Kansas KSURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Iowa IAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Indiana INURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Illinois ILURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Idaho IDURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Hawaii HIURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Georgia GAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Florida FLURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Delaware DEURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Connecticut CTURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Colorado COURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in California CAURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Arkansas ARURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Arizona AZURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Alaska AKURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19
Unemployment Rate in Alabama ALURN 2018-11-04 % M NSA 2018-10-19

Series 1 - 50 of 300    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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