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Published: 2018-11-12

Series 1 - 19 of 19   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Youth Unemployment Rate for Zimbabwe SLUEM1524ZSZWE 2018-11-12 % A NSA 2018-09-27
Stock Market Capitalization to GDP for Zimbabwe DDDM01ZWA156NWDB 2018-11-12 % A NSA 2018-09-21
Remittance Inflows to GDP for Zimbabwe DDOI11ZWA156NWDB 2018-11-12 % A NSA 2018-09-21
Real Gross Domestic Product for Zimbabwe ZWENGDPRPCPPPT 2018-11-12 % Chg. From Preceding Period A NSA 2018-10-11
Real GDP Per Capita for Zimbabwe ZWENGDPRPCPCPPPT 2018-11-12 % Chg. From Preceding Period A NSA 2018-10-11
Ratio of GNP to GDP for Zimbabwe GNPGDPZWA156NUPN 2018-11-12 % A NSA 2013-04-03
Purchasing Power Parity over GDP for Zimbabwe PPPTTLZWA618NUPN 2018-11-12 National Currency Units per US $ A NSA 2012-09-17
Purchasing Power Parity Converted GDP Per Capita (Chain Series) for Zimbabwe RGDPCHZWA625NUPN 2018-11-12 2005 International $ per Person A NSA 2012-09-17
Price Level of GDP, G-K method for Zimbabwe PLOGDPZWA621NUPN 2018-11-12 U.S.=100 A NSA 2012-09-17
Population Growth for Zimbabwe SPPOPGROWZWE 2018-11-12 % Chg. at Annual Rate A NSA 2018-07-20
Output-side Real GDP at chained Purchasing Power Parities for Zimbabwe RGDPOSZWA666NRUG 2018-11-12 Mil. of 2011 U.S. $ A NSA 2016-06-29
Liquid Liabilities to GDP for Zimbabwe DDDI05ZWA156NWDB 2018-11-12 % A NSA 2018-09-21
Gross National Income for Zimbabwe MKTGNIZWA646NWDB 2018-11-12 Current $ A NSA 2018-09-27
Gross Domestic Product Per Capita for Zimbabwe PCAGDPZWA646NWDB 2018-11-12 Current $ A NSA 2018-09-27
Gross Domestic Product for Zimbabwe MKTGDPZWA646NWDB 2018-11-12 Current $ A NSA 2018-09-27
Expenditure-side Real GDP at Chained Purchasing Power Parities for Zimbabwe RGDPESZWA666NRUG 2018-11-12 Mil. of 2011 U.S. $ A NSA 2016-06-29
Consumer Price Index for Zimbabwe DDOE02ZWA086NWDB 2018-11-12 Index 2010=100 A NSA 2018-09-21
Central government debt, total (% of GDP) for Zimbabwe DEBTTLZWA188A 2018-11-12 % of GDP A NSA 2017-07-07
Cash surplus/deficit (% of GDP) for Zimbabwe CASHBLZWA188A 2018-11-12 % of GDP A NSA 2018-09-27

Series 1 - 19 of 19   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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