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Gove Bond Yields

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Published: 2019-06-04

Series 51 - 100 of 145    « Previous 1 2 3 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Canada INTGSTCAM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2018-02-01
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Germany INTGSTDEM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2018-06-14
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Spain INTGSTESM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2025-01-20
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for France INTGSTFRM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2017-07-03
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for United Kingdom INTGSTGBM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2019-04-29
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Italy INTGSTITM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2025-01-13
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Japan INTGSTJPM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2019-04-29
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Mexico INTGSTMXM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2025-02-10
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Poland INTGSTPLM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2024-09-16
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Russian Federation INTGSTRUM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2018-11-01
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Saudi Arabia INTGSTSAM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2019-04-29
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Turkey INTGSTTRM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2018-02-01
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for United States INTGSTUSM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2021-10-04
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for South Africa INTGSTZAM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2025-01-27
Interest Rates: 3-Month or 90-Day Rates and Yields: Certificates of Deposit: Total for Japan IR3TCD01JPM156N Current % M NSA 2022-05-12
Interest Rates: 3-Month or 90-Day Rates and Yields: Interbank Rates: Total for Switzerland IR3TIB01CHM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: 3-Month or 90-Day Rates and Yields: Interbank Rates: Total for Germany IR3TIB01DEM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: 3-Month or 90-Day Rates and Yields: Interbank Rates: Total for United Kingdom IR3TIB01GBM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: 3-Month or 90-Day Rates and Yields: Interbank Rates: Total for Japan IR3TIB01JPM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
3-Month or 90-day Rates and Yields: Treasury Securities for the United Kingdom IR3TTS01GBM156N Current % M NSA 2018-02-26
Long-Term Government Bond Yields: Combined Terms for Austria (DISCONTINUED) IRLTCT01ATM156N Current % M NSA 2017-04-13
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: Combined Terms: Total for Belgium IRLTCT01BEM156N Current % M NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: Combined Terms: Total for Germany IRLTCT01DEM156N Current % M NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: Combined Terms: Total for Russia IRLTCT01RUM156N Current % M NSA 2018-08-01
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: Combined Terms: Total for United States IRLTCT01USM156N Current % M NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: Combined Terms: Total for South Africa IRLTCT01ZAM156N Current % M NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Austria IRLTLT01ATM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Australia IRLTLT01AUM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Belgium IRLTLT01BEM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Canada IRLTLT01CAM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Switzerland IRLTLT01CHM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Chile IRLTLT01CLM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Czech Republic IRLTLT01CZM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Germany IRLTLT01DEM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Denmark IRLTLT01DKM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Spain IRLTLT01ESM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Euro Area (19 Countries) IRLTLT01EZM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Finland IRLTLT01FIM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for France IRLTLT01FRM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for United Kingdom IRLTLT01GBM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Greece IRLTLT01GRM156N Current % M NSA 2025-01-15
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Hungary IRLTLT01HUM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Ireland IRLTLT01IEM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Israel IRLTLT01ILM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Iceland IRLTLT01ISM156N Current % M NSA 2022-09-14
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Italy IRLTLT01ITM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Japan IRLTLT01JPM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Korea IRLTLT01KRM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Luxembourg IRLTLT01LUM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-Year: Main (Including Benchmark) for Mexico IRLTLT01MXM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17

Series 51 - 100 of 145    « Previous 1 2 3 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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