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National County Monthly Unemployment

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Published: 2019-06-04

Series 3051 - 3100 of 3140    [1] « Previous 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Ashe County, NC NCASHE9URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Ascension Parish, LA LAASCE0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Arthur County, NE NEARTH5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Aroostook County, ME MEAROO5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Armstrong County, TX TXARMS1URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Armstrong County, PA PAARMS5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Arlington County, VA VAARLI0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Arkansas County, AR ARARURN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Arenac County, MI MIAREN1URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Archuleta County, CO COARCH7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Archer County, TX TXARCH9URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Arapahoe County, CO COARAP0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Aransas County, TX TXARAN7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Appomattox County, VA VAAPPO1URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Appling County, GA GAAPPL1URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Appanoose County, IA IAAPPA7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Apache County, AZ AZAPAC0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Antrim County, MI MIANTR9URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Antelope County, NE NEANTE3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anson County, NC NCANSO7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anoka County, MN MNANOK5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anne Arundel County, MD MDANNE5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Angelina County, TX TXANGE5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Androscoggin County, ME MEANDR0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Andrews County, TX TXANDR3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Andrew County, MO MOANDR3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anderson County, TX TXANDE1URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anderson County, TN TNANDE5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anderson County, SC SCANDE7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anderson County, KY KYANURN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anderson County, KS KSANDE3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Anchorage Borough/municipality, AK AKANCH0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Amite County, MS MSAMIT5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Amherst County, VA VAAMHE9URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Amelia County, VA VAAMEL7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Amador County, CA CAAMAD5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Alpine County, CA CAALPI3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Alpena County, MI MIALPE7URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allen Parish, LA LAALLE3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allendale County, SC SCALLE5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allen County, OH OHALLE0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allen County, KY KYALURN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allen County, KS KSALLE1URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allen County, IN INALLE3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allegheny County, PA PAALLE3URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Alleghany County, VA VAALLE5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Alleghany County, NC NCALLE5URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allegany County, NY NYALLE2URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allegany County, MD MDALLE0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28
Unemployment Rate in Allegan County, MI MIALLE0URN Current % M NSA 2024-08-28

Series 3051 - 3100 of 3140    [1] « Previous 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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