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Published: 2019-09-24

Series 201 - 250 of 510    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [11]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Nonenergy Consumer Goods: Foods and Tobacco RIWB51211S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Nonenergy Consumer Goods: Clothing RIWB51212S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Nonenergy Consumer Goods: Chemical Products RIWB51213S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Nonenergy Consumer Goods: Paper Products RIWB51214S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Nonenergy Consumer Goods: Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods RIWB51215S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Energy Consumer Goods: Consumer Energy Products RIWB51220S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Energy Consumer Goods: Fuels RIWB51221S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Energy Consumer Goods: Residential Utilities RIWB51222S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Equipment, Total RIWB52000S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Business Equipment RIWB52100S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Transit Equipment RIWB52110S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Information Processing and Related Equipment RIWB52120S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Industrial and Other Equipment RIWB52130S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Industrial Equipment RIWB52131S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Other Equipment RIWB52132S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Manufactured Homes RIWB52200S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Equipment: Defense and Space Equipment RIWB52300S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Materials RIWB53000S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Durable Goods Materials RIWB53100S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Consumer Parts RIWB53110S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Equipment Parts RIWB53120S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Computer and Other Board Assemblies and Parts RIWB53121S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Semiconductors, Printed Circuit Boards, and Other RIWB53122S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Other Equipment Parts RIWB53123S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Other Durable Materials RIWB53130S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Basic Metals RIWB53131S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Durable Goods Materials: Miscellaneous Durable Materials RIWB53132S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials RIWB53200S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials: Textile Materials RIWB53210S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials: Paper Materials RIWB53220S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials: Chemical Materials RIWB53230S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials: Other Nondurable Materials RIWB53240S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials: Containers RIWB53241S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nondurable Goods Materials: Miscellaneous Nondurable Materials RIWB53242S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Energy Materials: Energy Materials RIWB53300S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Energy Materials: Primary Energy RIWB53310S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Energy Materials: Converted Fuel RIWB53320S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Non-Energy Materials for Finished Goods Producers RIWB53810S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Non-Energy Materials for Intermediate Goods Producers RIWB53820S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Nonindustrial Supplies RIWB54000S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Construction Supplies RIWB54100S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Business Supplies RIWB54200S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Non-Energy Business Supplies RIWB54210S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Commercial Energy Products RIWB54220S Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Stage-of-Process: Crude Processing RIWB5610CS Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Stage-of-Process: Primary & Semifinished Processing RIWB562A3CS Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights: Stage-of-Process: Finished Processing RIWB5640CS Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Relative Importance Weights (Contribution to the Total Industrial Production Index): Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction: Crude Oil (NAICS = 211111pt.) (DISCONTINUED) RIWG211111CS Current % M SA 2021-05-14
Relative Importance Weights (Contribution to the Total Industrial Production Index): Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction: Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction (NAICS = 211111) (DISCONTINUED) RIWG211111S Current % M SA 2021-05-14
Relative Importance Weights (Contribution to the Total Industrial Production Index): Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction: Natural Gas Liquid Extraction (NAICS = 211112) (DISCONTINUED) RIWG211112S Current % M SA 2021-05-14

Series 201 - 250 of 510    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [11]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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