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Fed Balance Sheet

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Published: 2020-07-28

Series 1 - 50 of 515    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [11]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Liabilities and Capital: Other Factors Draining Reserve Balances: Currency in Circulation: Week Average WCURCIR Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other Factors Supplying Reserve Balances: Other Federal Reserve Assets: Week Average WOTHAST Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Other: Week Average WOTHLB Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Other Factors Draining Reserve Balances: Other Liabilities and Capital: Week Average WOTHLIAB Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Repurchase Agreements: Week Average WREPO Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Other Factors Draining Reserve Balances: Reserve Balances with Federal Reserve Banks: Week Average WRESBAL Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other Factors Supplying Reserve Balances: Reserve Bank Credit: Week Average WRESCRT Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Liquidity and Credit Facilities: Loans: Seasonal Credit: Week Average WSB Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Memorandum Items: Securities Lent to Dealers: Securities Lent to Dealers: Week Average WSDEAL Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Memorandum Items: Securities Lent to Dealers: Overnight Facility: Week Average WSDONT Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Securities Held Outright: Securities Held Outright: Week Average WSECOUT Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits with F.R. Banks, Other Than Reserve Balances: U.S. Treasury, General Account: Week Average WTREGEN Current Bil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Central Bank Liquidity Swaps: Central Bank Liquidity Swaps: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WACBS Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Coin: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WACL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Interdistrict Settlement Account: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WAISAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WATAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Capital: Other Capital: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WCPCA Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Capital: Capital Paid in: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WCPIL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Capital: Surplus: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WCSL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other Factors Supplying Reserve Balances: Foreign Currency Denominated Assets: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WFCDA Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLDEP Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Foreign Official: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLFOL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Earnings Remittances Due to the U.S. Treasury: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLINT Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Federal Reserve Notes, Net: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLNNBH Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Other: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLOCL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Reverse Repurchase Agreements: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLRRA Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: U.S. Treasury General Account: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLTGAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Total Liabilities: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WLTOTL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Securities, Premiums, Discounts, Repurchase Agreements, and Loans: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WSRLL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Total Liabilities and Capital: Total Liabilities and Capital: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 10: Kansas City D10WTLAC Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Central Bank Liquidity Swaps: Central Bank Liquidity Swaps: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WACBS Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Coin: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WACL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Interdistrict Settlement Account: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WAISAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Total Assets: Total Assets: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WATAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Capital: Other Capital: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WCPCA Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Capital: Capital Paid in: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WCPIL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Capital: Surplus: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WCSL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other Factors Supplying Reserve Balances: Foreign Currency Denominated Assets: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WFCDA Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLDEP Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Foreign Official: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLFOL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Earnings Remittances Due to the U.S. Treasury: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLINT Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Federal Reserve Notes, Net: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLNNBH Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: Other: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLOCL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Reverse Repurchase Agreements: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLRRA Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Deposits: U.S. Treasury General Account: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLTGAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Liabilities: Total Liabilities: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WLTOTL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Securities, Premiums, Discounts, Repurchase Agreements, and Loans: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WSRLL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Liabilities and Capital: Total Liabilities and Capital: Total Liabilities and Capital: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 11: Dallas D11WTLAC Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Central Bank Liquidity Swaps: Central Bank Liquidity Swaps: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 12: San Francisco D12WACBS Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26
Assets: Other: Coin: Wednesday Level in Federal Reserve District 12: San Francisco D12WACL Current Mil. of U.S. $ W NSA 2024-12-26

Series 1 - 50 of 515    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [11]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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