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Indicadores Brasil

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Published: 2020-12-06

Series 1 - 50 of 50   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil BRACPIALLAINMEI Current Index 2015=100 A NSA 2025-01-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil BRACPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2025-02-17
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil BRACPIALLQINMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2025-01-15
General Government Gross Debt for Brazil BRAGGXWDGGDP Current % of Fiscal Yr. GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
Gross Domestic Product for Brazil BRANGDPRPCH Current % Chg. A NSA 2024-10-25
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil CPALTT01BRA659N Current Growth rate same period previous Yr. A NSA 2025-01-15
Consumer Price Index: All Items: Total for Brazil CPALTT01BRM657N Current Growth rate previous period M NSA 2024-04-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil CPALTT01BRM659N Current Growth rate same period previous Yr. M NSA 2025-02-17
Consumer Price Index: All Items: Total for Brazil CPALTT01BRQ657N Current Growth rate previous period Q NSA 2024-04-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil CPALTT01BRQ659N Current Growth rate same period previous Yr. Q NSA 2025-01-15
Inflation, consumer prices for Brazil FPCPITOTLZGBRA Current % A NSA 2024-07-02
General government gross debt for Brazil GGGDTABRA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-04-29
Interest Rates, Discount Rate for Brazil INTDSRBRM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2025-03-03
Interest Rates, Government Securities, Treasury Bills for Brazil INTGSTBRM193N Current % per Annum M NSA 2025-03-03
Interest Rates: Immediate Rates (< 24 Hours): Central Bank Rates: Total for Brazil IRSTCB01BRA156N Current % A NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Immediate Rates (< 24 Hours): Central Bank Rates: Total for Brazil IRSTCB01BRM156N Current % M NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Immediate Rates (< 24 Hours): Central Bank Rates: Total for Brazil IRSTCB01BRQ156N Current % Q NSA 2024-01-12
Interest Rates: Immediate Rates (< 24 Hours): Call Money/Interbank Rate: Total for Brazil IRSTCI01BRA156N Current % A NSA 2025-01-15
Interest Rates: Immediate Rates (< 24 Hours): Call Money/Interbank Rate: Total for Brazil IRSTCI01BRM156N Current % M NSA 2025-02-17
Interest Rates: Immediate Rates (< 24 Hours): Call Money/Interbank Rate: Total for Brazil IRSTCI01BRQ156N Current % Q NSA 2025-01-15
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Brazil LRUNTTTTBRA156N Current % A NSA 2024-04-10
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Brazil LRUNTTTTBRM156N Current % M NSA 2024-04-10
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Brazil LRUNTTTTBRQ156N Current % Q NSA 2024-04-10
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRA189N Current Brazilian Real A NSA 2023-08-09
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRM189N Current Brazilian Real M NSA 2024-01-12
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRQ189N Current Brazilian Real Q NSA 2024-01-12
Gross Domestic Product for Brazil MKTGDPBRA646NWDB Current Current $ A NSA 2024-12-17
M1 for Brazil MYAGM1BRM189N Current National Currency M NSA 2019-04-29
Constant GDP per capita for Brazil NYGDPPCAPKDBRA Current 2010 U.S. $ A NSA 2024-12-17
Real Broad Effective Exchange Rate for Brazil RBBRBIS Current Index 2020=100 M NSA 2025-02-20
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil BRAGDPNADSMEI Current Brazilian Real A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil BRAGDPNQDSMEI Current Brazilian Real Q SA 2023-12-12
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Industry (Except Construction) for Brazil BRAPROINDAISMEI Current Index 2015=100 A SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Industry (Except Construction) for Brazil BRAPROINDMISMEI Current Index 2015=100 M SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Industry (Except Construction) for Brazil BRAPROINDQISMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-05-15
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Brazil LRUNTTTTBRA156S Current % A SA 2024-04-10
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Brazil LRUNTTTTBRM156S Current % M SA 2024-04-10
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Brazil LRUNTTTTBRQ156S Current % Q SA 2024-04-10
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRA189S Current Brazilian Real A SA 2023-08-09
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRA657S Current Growth rate previous period A SA 2024-10-15
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRM189S Current Brazilian Real M SA 2024-01-12
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRM657S Current Growth rate previous period M SA 2025-01-15
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRQ189S Current Brazilian Real Q SA 2024-01-12
Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Narrow Money and Components: M1 and Components: M1 for Brazil MANMM101BRQ657S Current Growth rate previous period Q SA 2024-12-16
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil NAEXKP01BRA652S Current Brazilian Real A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil NAEXKP01BRA657S Current Growth rate previous period A SA 2024-12-16
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil NAEXKP01BRA661S Current Index 2015=100 A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil NAEXKP01BRQ652S Current Brazilian Real Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil NAEXKP01BRQ657S Current Growth rate previous period Q SA 2024-12-16
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Constant Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Brazil NAEXKP01BRQ661S Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-01-12

Series 1 - 50 of 50   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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