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Money Banking and Financial Markets 6e

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Published: 2021-03-03

Series 51 - 100 of 237    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; One-to-Four-Family Residential Mortgages; Liability, Level HMLBSHNO Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Equities; Asset, Level HNOCEAQ027S Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Mutual Fund Shares; Asset, Level HNOMFAQ027S Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index Less Food and Energy JCXFE Current Index 2017=100 Q SA 2024-11-27
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Japan JPNCPIALLQINMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2024-05-15
National Accounts: National Accounts Deflators: Gross Domestic Product: GDP Deflator for Japan JPNGDPDEFQISMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-01-12
Life Insurance Companies; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level LICTCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Monthly Unemployment Rate Total: 15 Years or over for Portugal LRHUTTTTPTQ156S Current % Q SA 2024-11-15
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: From 15 to 64 Years for Spain LRUN64TTESQ156S Current % Q SA 2024-10-15
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: From 15 to 64 Years for Greece LRUN64TTGRQ156S Current % Q SA 2024-10-15
Infra-Annual Labor Statistics: Unemployment Rate Total: From 15 to 64 Years for Italy LRUN64TTITQ156S Current % Q SA 2024-10-15
Velocity of M1 Money Stock M1V Current Ratio Q SA 2024-10-30
Velocity of M2 Money Stock M2V Current Ratio Q SA 2024-10-30
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Mexico MEXCPIALLQINMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2024-07-15
Mutual Funds; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level MFTCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Corporate Equities; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) MVEONWMVBSNNCB Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2018-03-08
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Corporate Equities; Liability, Level NCBEILQ027S Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Credit Market Instruments; Liability (DISCONTINUED) NCBTCMDODNS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-09-21
Real Gross Domestic Product ND000334Q Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ Q NSA 2024-11-27
Real Net Exports of Goods and Services NETEXC Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2024-11-27
Real Personal Consumption Expenditures PCECC96 Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2024-11-27
Property-Casualty Insurance Companies; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level PCICTCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Private Pension Funds; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level PPFTCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Domestic Financial Sectors; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level TCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
All Sectors; Debt Securities and Loans; Liability, Level TCMDO Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Domestic Financial Sectors; Debt Securities and Loans; Liability, Level TCMDODFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Total Financial Assets, Level TFAABSHNO Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Net Worth, Level TNWBSHNO Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Net Worth at Historical Cost, Level TNWHCBSNNCB Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Net Worth, Level TNWMVBSNNCB Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Total Debt to Equity for Germany TOTDTEDEQ163N Current Ratio Q NSA 2023-03-01
Total Debt to Equity for United States TOTDTEUSQ163N Current Ratio Q NSA 2024-08-01
Return on Average Equity for U.S. Banks with average assets under $1B (DISCONTINUED) US1ROE Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Return on Average Equity for U.S. Banks with average assets greater than $15B (DISCONTINUED) USG15ROE Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Loan Loss Reserve to Total Loans for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USLLRTL Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Net Loan Losses to Average Total Loans for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USLSTL Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Net Interest Margin for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USNIM Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Commercial Banks in the U.S. (DISCONTINUED) USNUM Current Number Q NSA 2020-12-10
Return on Average Assets for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USROA Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Return on Average Equity for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USROE Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Longer Run FOMC Summary of Economic Projections for the Civilian Unemployment Rate, Central Tendency, Midpoint UNRATECTMLR Current Fourth Qtr., % NA NSA 2024-09-18
Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices: Overall Index Excluding Energy and Unprocessed Food for Euro area (19 countries) 00XFUNEZ19M086NEST Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-11-19
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield AAA Current % M NSA 2024-12-02
St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base (DISCONTINUED) AMBSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2019-12-13
Manufacturers' Inventories to Shipments Ratios: Total Manufacturing AMTMIS Current Ratio M SA 2024-11-04
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield BAA Current % M NSA 2024-12-02
Monetary Base: Total BOGMBASE Current Bil. of $ M NSA 2024-11-26
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil BRACPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-11-15
Cash Assets, All Commercial Banks CASACBM027SBOG Current Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2024-11-29
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Chile CHLCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-05-15

Series 51 - 100 of 237    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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