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Money Banking and Financial Markets 6e

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Published: 2021-03-03

Series 151 - 200 of 237    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Gross Federal Debt Held by the Public as Percent of Gross Domestic Product FYPUGDA188S Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross Federal Debt FYGFD Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-03-21
Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator GDPDEF Current Index 2017=100 Q SA 2024-10-30
Gross Domestic Product (Euro/ECU Series) for Euro Area (19 Countries) EUNNGDP Current Mil. of Euros Q SA 2024-10-30
Gross Domestic Product GDP Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2024-10-30
Gross Domestic Income GDI Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Government-Sponsored Enterprises; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level GSETCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Germany / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate (DISCONTINUED) EXGEUS Current German Deutsche Marks to 1 U.S. $ M NSA 2006-03-08
General government gross debt for United States GGGDTAUSA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
General government gross debt for Spain GGGDTAESA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
General government gross debt for Japan GGGDTAJPA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
General government gross debt for Italy GGGDTAITA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
General government gross debt for Germany GGGDTADEA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
General government gross debt for France GGGDTAFRA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
Federal Surplus or Deficit [-] as Percent of Gross Domestic Product FYFSGDA188S Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-18
Federal Funds Target Rate (DISCONTINUED) DFEDTAR Current % D NSA 2015-05-04
Federal Funds Effective Rate DFF Current % D NSA 2024-11-08
Federal Funds Effective Rate FEDFUNDS Current % M NSA 2024-11-01
Federal Funds Effective Rate FF Current % W NSA 2024-11-07
Federal Debt Held by Federal Reserve Banks FDHBFRBN Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-05
Failures of all Institutions for the United States and Other Areas BKFTTLA641N Current Number of Institutions A NSA 2024-05-29
Failures and Assistance Transactions of all Institutions by Transaction Type (Purchase and Assumption (PI)) for the United States and Other Areas BKTTPIA641N Current Number of Institutions A NSA 2024-05-29
Failures and Assistance Transactions of all Institutions by Transaction Type (Payout (PO)) for the United States and Other Areas BKTTPOA641N Current Number of Institutions A NSA 2024-05-29
Failures and Assistance Transactions of all Institutions by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for the United States and Other Areas BKIFDCA641N Current Number of Institutions A NSA 2024-05-29
Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA Current Index D NSA 2024-11-08
Domestic Financial Sectors; Debt Securities and Loans; Liability, Level TCMDODFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Domestic Financial Sectors; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level TCMAHDFS Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-12
Disposable Personal Income DPI Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2024-10-30
Disposable Personal Income DSPI Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2024-10-31
Discount Window Primary Credit Rate DPCREDIT Current % D NSA 2024-11-08
Discount Window Primary Credit Rate WPCREDIT Current % W NSA 2024-11-07
Discount Rate (DISCONTINUED) MDISCRT Current % M NSA 2006-06-07
Deposits of Suspended Banks, All Banks--Members and Non-Members of the Federal Reserve System for United States M09039USM144NNBR Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2012-08-17
Deposits, Large Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks DPSLCBM027SBOG Current Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2024-10-11
Deposits, Domestically Chartered Commercial Banks DPSDCBM027SBOG Current Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2024-11-08
Deposits, All Commercial Banks DPSACBM027SBOG Current Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2024-11-08
Demand Deposits DEMDEPSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-10-22
Currency Component of M1 (DISCONTINUED) CURRENCY Current Bil. of $ W SA 2024-07-23
Currency Component of M1 CURRSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-10-22
Contract Rate on 30-Year, Fixed-Rate Conventional Home Mortgage Commitments (DISCONTINUED) MORTG Current % M NSA 2022-06-06
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Mexico MEXCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-08-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Mexico MEXCPIALLQINMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2024-07-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Japan JPNCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-05-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Japan JPNCPIALLQINMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2024-05-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Israel ISRCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-10-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for China CHNCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-10-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Chile CHLCPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-05-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for Brazil BRACPIALLMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-10-15
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: All Items Non-Food Non-Energy for New Zealand CPGRLE01NZQ659N Current Growth rate same period previous Yr. Q NSA 2024-08-15
Consumer Price Index for Panama DDOE02PAA086NWDB Current Index 2010=100 A NSA 2022-03-23

Series 151 - 200 of 237    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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