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Published: 2021-06-14

Series 151 - 200 of 200    « Previous 1 2 3 4

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Existing Single-Family Home Sales EXSFHSUSM495S Current Number of Units M SAAR 2025-02-21
Existing Home Sales: Housing Inventory HOSINVUSM495N Current Number of Units M NSA 2025-02-21
Median Sales Price of Existing Homes HOSMEDUSM052N Current $ M NSA 2025-02-21
Existing Home Sales: Months Supply HOSSUPUSM673N Current Months' Supply M NSA 2025-02-21
Median Sales Price of Existing Single-Family Homes HSFMEDUSM052N Current $ M NSA 2025-02-21
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units HOUST Current Thous. of Units M SAAR 2025-02-19
Delinquency Rate on Single-Family Residential Mortgages, Booked in Domestic Offices, All Commercial Banks DRSFRMACBN Current % Q NSA 2025-02-18
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for United States CPALTT01USM661S Current Index 2015=100 M SA 2025-02-17
Consumer Price Indices (CPIs, HICPs), COICOP 1999: Consumer Price Index: Total for United States CPALTT01USQ661S Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2025-02-17
Housing Affordability Index (Fixed) FIXHAI Current Index M NSA 2025-02-14
Industrial Production: Total Index IPB50001SQ Current Index 2017=100 Q SA 2025-02-14
Industrial Production: Total Index INDPRO Current Index 2017=100 M SA 2025-02-14
Industrial Production: Manufacturing (NAICS) IPMAN Current Index 2017=100 M SA 2025-02-14
Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) MCUMFN Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Capacity Utilization: Total Index TCU Current % M SA 2025-02-14
Homeownership Rate in the United States RHORUSQ156N Current % Q NSA 2025-02-05
Coincident Economic Activity Index for the United States USPHCI Current Index 2007=100 M SA 2025-01-31
GDP-Based Recession Indicator Index JHGDPBRINDX Current Percentage Points Q NSA 2025-01-30
Dates of U.S. recessions as inferred by GDP-based recession indicator JHDUSRGDPBR Current +1 or 0 Q NSA 2025-01-30
Real Gross Domestic Product A191RL1Q225SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2025-01-30
Global price of Metal index PMETAINDEXA Current Index 2016 = 100 A NSA 2025-01-27
Global price of Natural Gas, US Henry Hub Gas PNGASUSUSDA Current U.S. $ per Mil. Metric British Thermal Unit A NSA 2025-01-27
Global price of Energy index PNRGINDEXA Current Index 2016 = 100 A NSA 2025-01-27
Global price of Nickel PNICKUSDQ Current U.S. $ per Metric Ton Q NSA 2025-01-27
Global price of Natural Gas, US Henry Hub Gas PNGASUSUSDQ Current U.S. $ per Mil. Metric British Thermal Unit Q NSA 2025-01-27
Global price of Metal index PMETAINDEXQ Current Index 2016 = 100 Q NSA 2025-01-27
Global price of Energy index PNRGINDEXQ Current Index 2016 = 100 Q NSA 2025-01-27
Average Sales Price of Houses Sold for the United States ASPUS Current $ Q NSA 2025-01-27
US All Grades All Formulations Gas Price GASALLA Current $ per Gallon A NSA 2025-01-06
NBER based Recession Indicators for the United States from the Period following the Peak through the Trough USRECQ Current +1 or 0 Q NSA 2025-01-01
Mortgage Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income MDSP Current % Q SA 2024-12-20
Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income TDSP Current % Q SA 2024-12-20
Federal government budget surplus or deficit (-) M318501Q027NBEA Current Bil. of $ Q NSA 2024-12-19
Quarterly Financial Report: U.S. Corporations: All Manufacturing: Income (Loss) After Income Taxes QFR115MFGUSNO Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-12-10
Quarterly Financial Report: U.S. Corporations: All Retail Trade: Retained Earnings QFR322RETUSNO Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-12-10
Inflation, consumer prices for the United States FPCPITOTLZGUSA Current % A NSA 2024-09-19
Stock Market Capitalization to GDP for United States DDDM01USA156NWDB Current % A NSA 2024-05-07
OECD based Recession Indicators for Japan from the Peak through the Period preceding the Trough JPNRECP Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Germany from the Period following the Peak through the Trough DEUREC Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Euro Area from the Period following the Peak through the Trough EUROREC Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Euro Area from the Period following the Peak through the Trough EURORECD Current +1 or 0 D NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for the United Kingdom from the Peak through the Trough GBRRECDM Current +1 or 0 D NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for China from the Peak through the Trough CHNRECDM Current +1 or 0 D NSA 2022-11-10
OECD based Recession Indicators for China from the Peak through the Trough CHNRECM Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-11-10
Nonfarm Private Manufacturing Payroll Employment (DISCONTINUED) NPPMNF Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
Total Nonfarm Private Payroll Employment (DISCONTINUED) NPPTTL Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
CBOE Gold Miners ETF Volatility Index (DISCONTINUED) VXGDXCLS Current Index D NSA 2022-02-14
St. Louis Fed Financial Stress Index (DISCONTINUED) STLFSI2 Current Index W NSA 2022-01-13
CBOE S&P 100 Volatility Index: VXO (DISCONTINUED) VXOCLS Current Index D NSA 2021-09-24
Leading Index for the United States USSLIND Current % M SA 2020-04-14

Series 151 - 200 of 200    « Previous 1 2 3 4


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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