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Economic variables of the New York city

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Published: 2021-11-19

Series 201 - 250 of 313    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Average Weekly Earnings of Production Employees: Construction: Specialty Trade Contractors in New York SMU36000002023800030 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees: Construction: Specialty Trade Contractors in New York SMU36000002023800008 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of Production Employees: Construction: Specialty Trade Contractors in New York SMU36000002023800007 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Construction: Specialty Trade Contractors in New York SMU36000002023800001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Construction: Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction in New York SMU36000002023700001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Construction: Nonresidential Building Construction in New York SMU36000002023620001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Construction: Residential Building Construction in New York SMU36000002023610001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Earnings of Production Employees: Construction: Construction of Buildings in New York SMU36000002023600030 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees: Construction: Construction of Buildings in New York SMU36000002023600008 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of Production Employees: Construction: Construction of Buildings in New York SMU36000002023600007 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Construction: Construction of Buildings in New York SMU36000002023600001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Earnings of Production Employees: Construction in New York SMU36000002000000030 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Earnings of All Employees: Construction in New York SMU36000002000000011 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of Production Employees: Construction in New York SMU36000002000000008 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of Production Employees: Construction in New York SMU36000002000000007 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Construction in New York SMU36000002000000003 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of All Employees: Construction in New York SMU36000002000000002 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Mining, Logging, and Construction in New York SMU36000001500000001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Mining and Logging: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction in New York SMU36000001021000001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Earnings of All Employees: Private Service Providing in New York SMU36000000800000011 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Private Service Providing in New York SMU36000000800000003 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of All Employees: Private Service Providing in New York SMU36000000800000002 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Private Service Providing in New York SMU36000000800000001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Service-Providing in New York SMU36000000700000001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Earnings of All Employees: Goods Producing in New York SMU36000000600000011 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Goods Producing in New York SMU36000000600000003 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of All Employees: Goods Producing in New York SMU36000000600000002 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Goods Producing in New York SMU36000000600000001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in New York SMU36000000500000011 2021-11-19 $ per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Hourly Earnings of All Employees: Total Private in New York SMU36000000500000003 2021-11-19 $ per Hour M NSA 2021-11-19
Average Weekly Hours of All Employees: Total Private in New York SMU36000000500000002 2021-11-19 Hours per Week M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Total Private in New York SMU36000000500000001 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Real Trade-Weighted Value of the dollar for New York RTWVDNY684NMFRBDAL 2021-11-19 Index Jan 1998=100 M NSA 2021-11-18
Housing Inventory: Price Reduced Count Year-Over-Year in New York PRIREDCOUYYNY 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Price Reduced Count in New York PRIREDCOUNY 2021-11-19 Level M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Price Reduced Count Month-Over-Month in New York PRIREDCOUMMNY 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Price Increased Count Year-Over-Year in New York PRIINCCOUYYNY 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Price Increased Count in New York PRIINCCOUNY 2021-11-19 Level M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Price Increased Count Month-Over-Month in New York PRIINCCOUMMNY 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Pending Listing Count Year-Over-Year in New York PENLISCOUYYNY 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Pending Listing Count in New York PENLISCOUNY 2021-11-19 Level M NSA 2021-11-09
Housing Inventory: Pending Listing Count Month-Over-Month in New York PENLISCOUMMNY 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-09
Unemployment Rate in New York NYURN 2021-11-19 % M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Trade, Transportation, and Utilities in New York NYTRADN 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Other Services in New York NYSRVON 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Professional and Business Services in New York NYPBSVN 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Mining and Logging in New York NYNRMNN 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Total Nonfarm in New York NYNAN 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
All Employees: Manufacturing in New York NYMFGN 2021-11-19 Thous. of Persons M NSA 2021-11-19
Civilian Labor Force in New York NYLFN 2021-11-19 Persons M NSA 2021-11-19

Series 201 - 250 of 313    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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