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Published: 2022-02-28

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Series 51 - 85 of 85    « Previous 1 2

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Manufacturers' Value of Shipments: Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Product Processing U11CVS Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Construction Machinery Manufacturing U33CNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Mining, Oil, and Gas Field Machinery Manufacturing U33DNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing U33HNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Machinery U33SNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Electrical Equipment, Appliances and Components U35SNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Transportation Equipment U36SNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Consumer Durable Goods UCDGNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Consumer Goods UCOGNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Durable Goods Excluding Defense UDXDNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Durable Goods Excluding Transportation UDXTNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Total Manufacturing UMTMNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Manufacturing with Unfilled Orders UMTUNO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Nondefense Capital Goods UNDENO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
Manufacturers' New Orders: Nondefense Capital Goods Excluding Aircraft UNXANO Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-02-04
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Completed: Total Units in the Midwest Census Region COMPUMWTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Completed: Total Units in the Northeast Census Region COMPUNETNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Completed: Total Units in the South Census Region COMPUSTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Completed: Total Units COMPUTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Completed: Total Units in the West Census Region COMPUWTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units in the Midwest Census Region HOUSTMWNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units in the Northeast Census Region HOUSTNENSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units HOUSTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units in the South Census Region HOUSTSNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units in the West Census Region HOUSTWNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units in the Midwest Census Region PERMITMWNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-27
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units in the Northeast Census Region PERMITNENSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units PERMITNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-27
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units in the South Census Region PERMITSNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-27
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units in the West Census Region PERMITWNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-27
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Under Construction: Total Units in the Midwest Census Region UNDCONMWTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Under Construction: Total Units in the Northeast Census Region UNDCONNETNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Under Construction: Total Units in the South Census Region UNDCONSTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Under Construction: Total Units UNDCONTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Under Construction: Total Units in the West Census Region UNDCONWTNSA Current Thous. of Units M NSA 2025-01-17

Series 51 - 85 of 85    « Previous 1 2


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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