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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-04

Series 1651 - 1700 of 3117    [1] « Previous 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in St. Charles Parish, LA LASTCH9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in St. James Parish, LA LASTJA3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Red River Parish, LA LAREDR1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Richland Parish, LA LARICH3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Madison Parish, LA LAMADI5URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Morehouse Parish, LA LAMORE7URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Jefferson Parish, LA LAJEFF5URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Lafourche Parish, LA LALAFO5URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in La Salle Parish, LA LALASA9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Grant Parish, LA LAGRAN3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Iberville Parish, LA LAIBER7URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Jackson Parish, LA LAJACK9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Jefferson Davis Parish, LA LAJEFF3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in East Feliciana Parish, LA LAEAST7URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Evangeline Parish, LA LAEVAN9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Franklin Parish, LA LAFRAN1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Catahoula Parish, LA LACATA5URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Concordia Parish, LA LACONC9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in De Soto Parish, LA LADESO1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in East Carroll Parish, LA LAEAST3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Calcasieu Parish, LA LACALC9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Caldwell Parish, LA LACALD1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Cameron Parish, LA LACAME3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Avoyelles Parish, LA LAAVOY9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Beauregard Parish, LA LABEAU1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Bienville Parish, LA LABIEN3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Bossier Parish, LA LABOSS5URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Wolfe County, KY KYWOLF7URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Woodford County, KY KYWOOD9URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Acadia Parish, LA LAACAD0URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Assumption Parish, LA LAASSU7URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Trigg County, KY KYTRURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Union County, KY KYUNURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Webster County, KY KYWEURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Washington County, KY KYWSURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Wayne County, KY KYWYURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Simpson County, KY KYSIURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Taylor County, KY KYTAURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Trimble County, KY KYTIURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Todd County, KY KYTOURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Powell County, KY KYPOWE7URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Robertson County, KY KYROBE1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Russell County, KY KYRUURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Nicholas County, KY KYNICH1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Ohio County, KY KYOHURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Owen County, KY KYOWURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Pendleton County, KY KYPEND1URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Montgomery County, KY KYMONT3URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Morgan County, KY KYMORG5URN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27
Unemployment Rate in Marshall County, KY KYMSURN Current % M NSA 2024-11-27

Series 1651 - 1700 of 3117    [1] « Previous 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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