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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-05

Series 1251 - 1300 of 3117    [1] « Previous 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Upshur County, WV WVUPSH7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Wayne County, WV WVWAYN9URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Pleasants County, WV WVPLEA3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Randolph County, WV WVRAND3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Summers County, WV WVSUMM9URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Tyler County, WV WVTYLE5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Monroe County, WV WVMONR3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Morgan County, WV WVMORG5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Ohio County, WV WVOHIO0URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Pendleton County, WV WVPEND1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Marshall County, WV WVMARS1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Mineral County, WV WVMINE7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Hardy County, WV WVHARD1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Lincoln County, WV WVLINC3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Doddridge County, WV WVDODD7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Fayette County, WV WVFAYE5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Grant County, WV WVGRAN3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Hampshire County, WV WVHAMP7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Brooke County, WV WVBROO9URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Clark County, WA WACLAR1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Jefferson County, WA WAJEFF1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in King County, WA WAKING5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Pierce County, WA WAPIER6URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Spokane County, WA WASPOK2URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Adams County, WA WAADAM1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Cowlitz County, WA WACOWL5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Kitsap County, WA WAKITS0URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Thurston County, WA WATHUR8URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Whatcom County, WA WAWHAT5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Johnson County, KS KSJOHN1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Sedgwick County, KS KSSEDG3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Okanogan County, WA WAOKAN7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Snohomish County, WA WASNOH0URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Yakima County, WA WAYAKI7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Clay County, KS KSCLAY7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Reno County, KS KSRENO5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Wyandotte County, KS KSWYAN0URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Benton County, WA WABENT0URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Pacific County, WA WAPACI9URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Butler County, KS KSBUTL5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Douglas County, KS KSDOUG5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Lyon County, KS KSLYON1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Asotin County, WA WAASOT3URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Walla Walla County, WA WAWALL1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Mason County, WA WAMASO5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Pend Oreille County, WA WAPEND1URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Skagit County, WA WASKAG5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Stevens County, WA WASTEV5URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Chelan County, WA WACHEL7URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03
Unemployment Rate in Grays Harbor County, WA WAGRAY0URN Current % M NSA 2025-01-03

Series 1251 - 1300 of 3117    [1] « Previous 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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