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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-05

Series 1101 - 1150 of 3117    [1] « Previous 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Mercer County, KY KYMUURN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pike County, KY KYPIKE0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pulaski County, KY KYPULA9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rockcastle County, KY KYROCK3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Webster County, KY KYWEURN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Woodford County, KY KYWOOD9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Avoyelles Parish, LA LAAVOY9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Staunton City, VA VASTAU0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Surry County, VA VASURR1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Salem City, VA VASALE5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Scott County, VA VASCOT9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Richmond County, VA VARICH9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Roanoke City, VA VAROAN0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rappahannock County, VA VARAPP7URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Patrick County, VA VAPATR1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Norton City, VA VANORT0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Northampton County, VA VANORT1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Northumberland County, VA VANORT3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Nottoway County, VA VANOTT5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Mecklenburg County, VA VAMECK7URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Nelson County, VA VANELS5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Manassas Park City, VA VAMANA5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Mathews County, VA VAMATH5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lancaster County, VA VALANC3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lunenburg County, VA VALUNE1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lynchburg City, VA VALYNC5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Isle of Wight County, VA VAISLE3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in King William County, VA VAKING1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in King and Queen County, VA VAKING7URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in King George County, VA VAKING9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Highland County, VA VAHIGH1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Hopewell City, VA VAHOPE0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Charles City County, VA VACHAR6URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Charlotte County, VA VACHAR7URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Caroline County, VA VACARO3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Carroll County, VA VACARR5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Charlottesville City, VA VACHAR0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Buckingham County, VA VABUCK9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Buena Vista City, VA VABUEN0URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Amherst County, VA VAAMHE9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Appomattox County, VA VAAPPO1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Wayne County, UT UTWAYN5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sanpete County, UT UTSANP9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Morgan County, UT UTMORG9URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Piute County, UT UTPIUT1URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rich County, UT UTRICH3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Juab County, UT UTJUAB3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Kane County, UT UTKANE5URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Millard County, UT UTMILL7URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Duchesne County, UT UTDUCH3URN 2022-08-05 % M NSA 2022-08-03

Series 1101 - 1150 of 3117    [1] « Previous 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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