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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-11

Series 2901 - 2950 of 3117    [1] « Previous 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Seminole County, GA GASEMI3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stewart County, GA GASTEW9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Talbot County, GA GATALB3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Taliaferro County, GA GATALI5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Taylor County, GA GATAYL9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Terrell County, GA GATERR3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Schley County, GA GASCHL9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Cook County, GA GACOOK5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Jenkins County, GA GAJENK5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lincoln County, GA GALINC1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lumpkin County, GA GALUMP7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Oglethorpe County, GA GAOGLE1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Prowers County, CO COPROW9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sedgwick County, CO COSEDG5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Baker County, FL FLBAKE3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Jefferson County, FL FLJEFF5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Hinsdale County, CO COHINS3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Mineral County, CO COMINE9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pierce County, GA GAPIER9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pike County, GA GAPIKE1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pulaski County, GA GAPULA5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Monroe County, GA GAMONR7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Montgomery County, GA GAMONT9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Peach County, GA GAPEAC5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Macon County, GA GAMACO3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Madison County, GA GAMADI5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Marion County, GA GAMARI7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in McDuffie County, GA GAMCDU9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in McIntosh County, GA GAMCIN1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Meriwether County, GA GAMERI9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Miller County, GA GAMILL1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Mitchell County, GA GAMITC5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Jefferson County, GA GAJEFF3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Johnson County, GA GAJOHN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lamar County, GA GALAMA1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lanier County, GA GALANI3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lee County, GA GALEEC7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Liberty County, GA GALIBE9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Long County, GA GALONG3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Heard County, GA GAHEAR9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Irwin County, GA GAIRWI5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Jasper County, GA GAJASP9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Jeff Davis County, GA GAJEFF1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Fannin County, GA GAFANN1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Franklin County, GA GAFRAN9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Gilmer County, GA GAGILM3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Glascock County, GA GAGLAS5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Grady County, GA GAGRAD1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Dade County, GA GADADE3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Dodge County, GA GADODG1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03

Series 2901 - 2950 of 3117    [1] « Previous 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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