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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-11

Series 501 - 550 of 3117    [1] « Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Ness County, KS KSNESS5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Norton County, KS KSNORT7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Osage County, KS KSOSAG9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Osborne County, KS KSOSBO1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Ottawa County, KS KSOTTA3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pawnee County, KS KSPAWN5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pottawatomie County, KS KSPOTT9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pratt County, KS KSPRAT1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rawlins County, KS KSRAWL3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Republic County, KS KSREPU7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rice County, KS KSRICE9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Riley County, KS KSRILE0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rooks County, KS KSROOK3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Rush County, KS KSRUSH5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Russell County, KS KSRUSS7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Seward County, KS KSSEWA5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sheridan County, KS KSSHER9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Smith County, KS KSSMIT3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stafford County, KS KSSTAF5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stanton County, KS KSSTAN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stevens County, KS KSSTEV9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sumner County, KS KSSUMN1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Thomas County, KS KSTHOM3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Trego County, KS KSTREG5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Wabaunsee County, KS KSWABA7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Wallace County, KS KSWALL9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Cedar County, IA IACEDA1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Washington County, KS KSWASH1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Bath County, KY KYBATH1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Ballard County, KY KYBAURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Breckinridge County, KY KYBKURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Butler County, KY KYBNURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Bourbon County, KY KYBOUR7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Bracken County, KY KYBRAC3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Breathitt County, KY KYBREA5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Carter County, KY KYCART3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Crittenden County, KY KYCEURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Clinton County, KY KYCIURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Carroll County, KY KYCOURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Carlisle County, KY KYCRURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Casey County, KY KYCSURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Cumberland County, KY KYCUURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Edmonson County, KY KYEDURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Elliott County, KY KYELLI3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Estill County, KY KYESTI5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Fleming County, KY KYFLEM9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Fulton County, KY KYFUURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Garrard County, KY KYGARR9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Gallatin County, KY KYGAURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Green County, KY KYGEURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03

Series 501 - 550 of 3117    [1] « Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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