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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-11

Series 2701 - 2750 of 3117    [1] « Previous 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Malheur County, OR ORMALH5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Wallowa County, OR ORWALL3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Yamhill County, OR ORYAMH0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Armstrong County, PA PAARMS5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Bradford County, PA PABRAD5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Butler County, PA PABUTL0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Centre County, PA PACENT0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Crawford County, PA PACRAW0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Fayette County, PA PAFAYE0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lycoming County, PA PALYCO5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Monroe County, PA PAMONR5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Chester County, SC SCCHES3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lancaster County, SC SCLANC7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lexington County, SC SCLEXI0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Newberry County, SC SCNEWB1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Benton County, OR ORBENT3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Umatilla County, OR ORUMAT9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pickens County, SC SCPICK0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Richland County, SC SCRICH9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sumter County, SC SCSUMT5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lincoln County, SD SDLINC3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Minnehaha County, SD SDMINN9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Delaware County, OK OKDELA1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Coos County, OR ORCOOS1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Marion County, OR ORMARI7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Tillamook County, OR ORTILL7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Wasco County, OR ORWASC5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Abbeville County, SC SCABBE1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Carbon County, PA PACARB5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Dauphin County, PA PADAUP3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lackawanna County, PA PALACK9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lawrence County, PA PALAWR0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Snyder County, PA PASNYD9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Washington County, PA PAWASH0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Berkeley County, SC SCBERK0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Florence County, SC SCFLOR0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Choctaw County, OK OKCHOC3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Columbia County, OR ORCOLU9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Georgetown County, SC SCGEOR3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Greenwood County, SC SCGREE0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Pennington County, SD SDPENN3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spink County, SD SDSPIN5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Muskogee County, OK OKMUSK0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Oklahoma County, OK OKOKLA9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Clackamas County, OR ORCLAC5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Lane County, OR ORLANE9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Polk County, OR ORPOLK3URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Erie County, PA PAERIE9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Schuylkill County, PA PASCHU4URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Beaufort County, SC SCBEAU5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03

Series 2701 - 2750 of 3117    [1] « Previous 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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