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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-11

Series 451 - 500 of 3117    [1] « Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Stillwater County, MT MTSTIL5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Helena Parish, LA LASTHE1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Francois County, MO MOSFURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stewart County, TN TNSTEW1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stewart County, GA GASTEW9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stevens County, WA WASTEV5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stevens County, MN MNSTEV9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stevens County, KS KSSTEV9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Steuben County, NY NYSTEU5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Steuben County, IN INSTEU1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sterling County, TX TXSTER1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stephenson County, IL ILSTEP7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stephens County, TX TXSTEP9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stephens County, OK OKSTEP7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stephens County, GA GASTEP7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Ste. Genevieve County, MO MOSEURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Steele County, ND NDSTEE1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Steele County, MN MNSTEE7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stearns County, MN MNSTEA5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Croix County, WI WISTCR9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Clair County, MO MOSTCL5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Clair County, MI MISTCL5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Clair County, IL ILSTURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Clair County, AL ALSTCL5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Charles Parish, LA LASTCH9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Charles County, MO MOSTURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in St. Bernard Parish, LA LASTBE5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Staunton City, VA VASTAU0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Starr County, TX TXSTAR7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Starke County, IN INSTAR9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stark County, OH OHSTAR1URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stark County, ND NDSTAR9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stark County, IL ILSTAR5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stanton County, NE NESTAN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stanton County, KS KSSTAN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stanly County, NC NCSTAN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stanley County, SD SDSTAN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stanislaus County, CA CASTAN7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stafford County, VA VASTAF9URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Stafford County, KS KSSTAF5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spotsylvania County, VA VASPOT7URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spokane County, WA WASPOK2URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spink County, SD SDSPIN5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spencer County, KY KYSPURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spencer County, IN INSPURN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spartanburg County, SC SCSPAR0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Spalding County, GA GASPAL5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, AK AKSOUT0URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Southampton County, VA VASOUT5URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03
Unemployment Rate in Sonoma County, CA CASONO6URN 2022-08-11 % M NSA 2022-08-03

Series 451 - 500 of 3117    [1] « Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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