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Monthly County Unemployment Rates

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Published: 2022-08-11

Series 201 - 250 of 3117    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [63]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Wheeler County, NE NEWHEE3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in York County, NE NEYORK5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Beaver County, UT UTBEAV1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Carbon County, UT UTCARB7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Duchesne County, UT UTDUCH3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Emery County, UT UTEMER5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Garfield County, UT UTGARF7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Juab County, UT UTJUAB3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Kane County, UT UTKANE5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Piute County, UT UTPIUT1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Rich County, UT UTRICH3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in San Juan County, UT UTSANJ7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Sanpete County, UT UTSANP9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Sevier County, UT UTSEVI1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Summit County, UT UTSUMM3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Uintah County, UT UTUINT7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Wasatch County, UT UTWASA1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Wayne County, UT UTWAYN5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Anderson County, KY KYANURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Ballard County, KY KYBAURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Bullitt County, KY KYBIURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Boyle County, KY KYBLURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Butler County, KY KYBNURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Carter County, KY KYCART3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Caldwell County, KY KYCAURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Crittenden County, KY KYCEURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Carroll County, KY KYCOURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Carlisle County, KY KYCRURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Casey County, KY KYCSURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Cumberland County, KY KYCUURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Daviess County, KY KYDAURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Edmonson County, KY KYEDURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Elliott County, KY KYELLI3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Estill County, KY KYESTI5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Fleming County, KY KYFLEM9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Floyd County, KY KYFLOY1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Franklin County, KY KYFRURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Garrard County, KY KYGARR9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Gallatin County, KY KYGAURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Green County, KY KYGEURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Greenup County, KY KYGREE9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Graves County, KY KYGVURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Harrison County, KY KYHARR7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Hancock County, KY KYHAURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Hickman County, KY KYHCURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Henry County, KY KYHNURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Jessamine County, KY KYJESS3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Larue County, KY KYLAURN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Leslie County, KY KYLESL1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Lincoln County, KY KYLINC7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05

Series 201 - 250 of 3117    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [63]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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