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External Indicators for Payal

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Published: 2023-02-10

Series 1 - 10 of 10   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
4-Week Moving Average of Continued Claims (Insured Unemployment) CC4WSA Current Number W SA 2024-09-26
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in U.S. City Average CPIAUCSL Current Percent Change M SA 2024-09-11
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items Less Food and Energy in U.S. City Average CPILFESL Current Change from Year Ago, Index 1982-1984=100 M SA 2024-09-11
Initial Claims ICSA Current Number W SA 2024-09-26
Job Openings: Total Nonfarm JTSJOL Current Level in Thous. M SA 2024-09-04
Labor Force Participation Rate CIVPART Current % M SA 2024-09-06
Manufacturers' New Orders: Total Manufacturing AMTMNO Current Percent Change M SA 2024-09-04
Unemployment Level UNEMPLOY Current Thous. of Persons M SA 2024-09-06
Unemployment Rate UNRATE Current % M SA 2024-09-06
University of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment UMCSENT Current Index 1966:Q1=100 M NSA 2024-09-27

Series 1 - 10 of 10   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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