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Money and Credit (SA)

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Published data lists are economic time series data sets that users of this site have chosen to make publicly available. Possible uses include teachers sharing data lists with students and researchers including links to data lists in bibliographies.

Published: 2010-06-03

Key data sets for monitoring money and credit based on the MacLeod School of Economics.

Series 1 - 35 of 35   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Outstanding ABCOMP Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Bank Credit, All Commercial Banks TOTBKCR Current Bil. of U.S. $ W SA 2025-01-31
Commercial Paper Outstanding COMPOUT Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Currency Component of M1 CURRSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-28
Currency Component of M1 (DISCONTINUED) CURRENCY Current Bil. of $ W SA 2024-07-23
Demand Deposits DEMDEPSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-28
Demand Deposits (DISCONTINUED) WDDSL Current Bil. of $ W SA 2024-08-27
Domestic Financial Commercial Paper Outstanding DFINCP Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Domestic Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Outstanding DNFINCP Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Financial Commercial Paper Outstanding FINCP Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Institutional Money Market Funds (DISCONTINUED) IMFSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-10-23
Institutional Money Market Funds (DISCONTINUED) WIMFSL Current Bil. of $ W SA 2024-10-23
Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Outstanding NFINCP Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Nonrevolving Consumer Credit Owned and Securitized NONREVSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-08
Other Checkable Deposits: Total (DISCONTINUED) OCDSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-09-24
Other Checkable Deposits: Total (DISCONTINUED) WOCDSL Current Bil. of $ W SA 2023-11-28
Other Commercial Paper Outstanding OTHCOMP Current Bil. of $ W SA 2025-01-30
Retail Money Market Funds RMFSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-28
Retail Money Market Funds (DISCONTINUED) WRMFSL Current Bil. of $ W SA 2024-10-23
Revolving Consumer Credit Owned and Securitized REVOLSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-08
Savings and Small Time Deposits at Commercial Banks (DISCONTINUED) SVSTCBSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2021-02-11
Savings and Small Time Deposits - Total (DISCONTINUED) SVSTSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2021-02-11
Savings Deposits at Commercial Banks (DISCONTINUED) SVGCBSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-03-26
Savings Deposits at Thrift Institutions (DISCONTINUED) SVGTI Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-03-26
Savings Deposits: Total (DISCONTINUED) SAVINGS Current Bil. of $ W SA 2023-11-28
Savings Deposits: Total (DISCONTINUED) SAVINGSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-03-26
Small-Denomination Time Deposits at Commercial Banks (DISCONTINUED) STDCBSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-07-23
Small-Denomination Time Deposits at Thrift Institutions (DISCONTINUED) STDTI Current Bil. of $ M SA 2024-05-28
Small-Denomination Time Deposits: Total STDSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-28
Small-Denomination Time Deposits: Total (DISCONTINUED) WSMTIME Current Bil. of $ W SA 2024-05-28
Total Checkable Deposits (DISCONTINUED) TCD Current Bil. of $ W SA 2021-02-11
Total Checkable Deposits (DISCONTINUED) TCDSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2021-02-11
Total Consumer Credit Owned and Securitized TOTALSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2025-01-08
Total Time and Savings Deposits at All Depository Institutions (DISCONTINUED) TOTTDP Current Bil. of $ M SA 2008-01-15
Travelers Checks (DISCONTINUED) TVCKSSL Current Bil. of $ M SA 2020-09-24

Series 1 - 35 of 35   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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