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County Unemployment Part I (1-20)

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Published: 2011-05-13

Series 851 - 900 of 1000    [1] « Previous 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Unemployment Rate in Jones County, SD SDJONE5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Lake County, SD SDLAKE9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Lyman County, SD SDLYMA5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Meade County, SD SDMEAD3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Miner County, SD SDMINE7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Moody County, SD SDMOOD1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Union County, SD SDUNIO7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Brown County, TX TXBROW9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Camp County, TX TXCAMP3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Cass County, TX TXCASS7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Rains County, TX TXRAIN9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Real County, TX TXREAL5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Rusk County, TX TXRUSK1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Cedar County, IA IACEDA1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Dallas County, IA IADALL9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Henry County, IA IAHENR7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Polk County, IA IAPOLK3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Tama County, IA IATAMA1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Warren County, IA IAWARR1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Porter County, IN INPORT5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Vigo County, IN INVIGO0URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Dukes County, MA MADUKE7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Essex County, MA MAESSE9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Kent County, MD MDKENT9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Antrim County, MI MIANTR9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Bay County, MI MIBAYC7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Benzie County, MI MIBENZ9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Lapeer County, MI MILAPE5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Clay County, IA IACLAY1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Howard County, IA IAHOWA9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Owen County, IN INOWEN9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Cecil County, MD MDCECI0URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Howard County, MD MDHOWA0URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Waldo County, ME MEWALD7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Eaton County, MI MIEATO5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Boone County, IA IABOON5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Linn County, IA IALINN0URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Lyon County, IA IALYON9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Alpena County, MI MIALPE7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Ingham County, MI MIINGH5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Macomb County, MI MIMACO9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Scott County, IA IASCOT3URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Talbot County, MD MDTALB1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Kent County, MI MIKENT1URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Ward County, TX TXWARD5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Wise County, TX TXWISE7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Wood County, TX TXWOOD9URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Bath County, VA VABATH7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Craig County, VA VACRAI5URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05
Unemployment Rate in Essex County, VA VAESSE7URN Current % M NSA 2025-02-05

Series 851 - 900 of 1000    [1] « Previous 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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