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Bank Balance Sheet for Analysis (MAZSG) (Dynamic Data)

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Published: 2023-12-02

Series 1 - 34 of 34   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Bank Premises and Fixed Assets QBPBSTASBKAS Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Cash and Due from Depository Institutions QBPBSTASCSHDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Federal Funds Sold and Reverse Repurchase Agreements QBPBSTASFEDREVREPO Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Gross Total Loans and Leases QBPBSTASGROSSLN Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Gross Total Loans and Leases: Less: Unearned Income QBPBSTASGROSSLNLESNY Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Intangible Assets QBPBSTASIAS Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Intangible Assets: Goodwill QBPBSTASIASGDWLL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2023-09-13
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Lease Financing Receivables QBPBSTASLEASEFINREC Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Net Loans and Leases QBPBSTASNTLN Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Other Assets QBPBSTASOAS Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2023-09-13
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions in the U.S. QBPBSTASOBLIGPOL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Other Loans QBPBSTASOLN Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Other Real Estate Owned QBPBSTASOREAL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Securities QBPBSTASSC Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Total Loans and Leases QBPBSTASTLN Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Total Loans and Leases: Less: Reserve for Losses QBPBSTASTLNLESSRES Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Assets: Trading Account Assets QBPBSTASTRDAS Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital QBPBSTLK Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Banks Liability on Acceptances QBPBSTLKBKL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2021-11-30
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits QBPBSTLKDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Domestic Office Deposits QBPBSTLKDPDOFFDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Domestic Office Deposits: Brokered Deposits QBPBSTLKDPDOFFDPBRKDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Domestic Office Deposits: Estimated Insured Deposits QBPBSTLKDPDOFFDPESTIDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Domestic Office Deposits: Interest-Bearing Deposits QBPBSTLKDPDOFFDPIDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Domestic Office Deposits: Noninterest-Bearing Deposits QBPBSTLKDPDOFFDPNIDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Domestic Office Deposits: Time Deposits QBPBSTLKDPDOFFDPTDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Deposits: Foreign Office Deposits QBPBSTLKDPFXOFFDP Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Federal Funds Purchased and Repurchase Agreements QBPBSTLKFEDREPO Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: FHLB Advances QBPBSTLKFHLB Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Other Borrowed Money QBPBSTLKOBOR Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Other Liabilities QBPBSTLKOL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Subordinated Debt QBPBSTLKSUBDEBT Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Total Liabilities QBPBSTLKTL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25
Balance Sheet: Total Liabilities and Capital: Trading Account Liabilities QBPBSTLKTRDL Current Mil. of U.S. $ Q NSA 2025-02-25

Series 1 - 34 of 34   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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