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Published: 2024-02-19

The 1500 most popular economic series as of Feb 19, 2024.

Series 1 - 50 of 1497    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [30]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Gross National Product A001RP1A027NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross National Product A001RP1Q027SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Gross Private Domestic Investment A006RL1A225NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Gross Private Domestic Investment A006RL1Q225SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Net exports of goods and services A019RC1A027NBEA Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Exports of Goods and Services A020RL1A158NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Exports of Goods and Services A020RL1Q158SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Exports of Goods and Services A020RO1Q156NBEA Current % Chg. from Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago Q SA 2024-12-19
National income: Corporate profits before tax (without IVA and CCAdj) A053RC1Q027SBEA Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Personal income A065RC1A027NBEA Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Disposable personal income A067RC1A027NBEA Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Disposable Personal Income A067RL1A156NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Disposable Personal Income A067RL1Q156SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Disposable Personal Income A067RO1Q156NBEA Current % Chg. from Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago Q SA 2024-12-19
Disposable Personal Income A067RP1A027NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Disposable Personal Income A067RP1Q027SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real disposable personal income A067RX1A020NBEA Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Personal saving A071RC1A027NBEA Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income A072RC1A156NBEA Current % A NSA 2024-09-26
Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income A072RC1Q156SBEA Current % Q SAAR 2024-11-27
Federal government current expenditures: Interest payments A091RC1Q027SBEA Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2024-10-30
Gross private saving A126RC1A027NBEA Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator A191RI1A225NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator A191RI1Q225SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-11-27
Real Gross Domestic Product A191RL1A225NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Gross Domestic Product A191RL1Q225SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Gross Domestic Product A191RO1Q156NBEA Current % Chg. from Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago Q SA 2024-10-30
Gross Domestic Product A191RP1A027NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross Domestic Product A191RP1Q027SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita A229RX0 Current Chn. 2017 $ M SAAR 2024-12-20
Real Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita A229RX0A048NBEA Current Chn. 2017 $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita A229RX0Q048SBEA Current Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Gross Domestic Income A261RL1A225NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Gross Domestic Income A261RL1Q225SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Gross Domestic Income A261RO1Q156NBEA Current % Chg. from Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago Q SA 2024-12-19
Real gross domestic income A261RX1A020NBEA Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Real gross domestic income A261RX1Q020SBEA Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Personal income per capita A792RC0A052NBEA Current $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Personal income per capita A792RC0Q052SBEA Current $ Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment A822RL1A225NBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment A822RL1Q225SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment A822RO1Q156NBEA Current % Chg. from Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago Q SA 2024-12-19
Gross domestic product per capita A939RC0A052NBEA Current $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross domestic product per capita A939RC0Q052SBEA Current $ Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Real gross domestic product per capita A939RX0Q048SBEA Current Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2024-12-19
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield AAA Current % M NSA 2024-12-02
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity AAA10Y Current % D NSA 2024-12-31
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity AAA10YM Current % M NSA 2024-12-02
Manufacturers' New Orders: Consumer Durable Goods ACDGNO Current Mil. of $ M SA 2024-11-04
Commercial and Industrial Loans, All Commercial Banks ACILACB Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-11-19

Series 1 - 50 of 1497    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [30]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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