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Published: 2012-05-22

Series 51 - 92 of 92    « Previous 1 2

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Changes in Inventories and Net Acquisition of Valuables for Mexico MEXCINSQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Exports of Goods and Services for Mexico MEXEXPORTADSMEI Current Mexican Peso A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Exports of Goods and Services for Mexico MEXEXPORTQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Government Final Consumption Expenditure for Mexico MEXGFCEADSMEI Current Mexican Peso A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Government Final Consumption Expenditure for Mexico MEXGFCEQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Mexico MEXGDPNADSMEI Current Mexican Peso A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Domestic Product: Total for Mexico MEXGDPNQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Fixed Capital Formation for Mexico MEXGFCFADSMEI Current Mexican Peso A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Gross Fixed Capital Formation for Mexico MEXGFCFQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Less: Imports of Goods and Services for Mexico MEXIMPORTADSMEI Current Mexican Peso A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Less: Imports of Goods and Services for Mexico MEXIMPORTQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Private Final Consumption Expenditure for Mexico MEXPFCEADSMEI Current Mexican Peso A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: GDP by Expenditure: Current Prices: Private Final Consumption Expenditure for Mexico MEXPFCEQDSMEI Current Mexican Peso Q SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: National Accounts Deflators: Gross Domestic Product: GDP Deflator for Mexico MEXGDPDEFAISMEI Current Index 2015=100 A SA 2024-01-12
National Accounts: National Accounts Deflators: Gross Domestic Product: GDP Deflator for Mexico MEXGDPDEFQISMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-01-12
OECD based Recession Indicators for Mexico from the Peak through the Period preceding the Trough MEXRECDP Current +1 or 0 D NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Mexico from the Peak through the Period preceding the Trough MEXRECP Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Mexico from the Peak through the Trough MEXRECDM Current +1 or 0 D NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Mexico from the Peak through the Trough MEXRECM Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Mexico from the Period following the Peak through the Trough MEXREC Current +1 or 0 M NSA 2022-12-09
OECD based Recession Indicators for Mexico from the Period following the Peak through the Trough MEXRECD Current +1 or 0 D NSA 2022-12-09
Producer Prices Index: Economic Activities: Manufacturing: Domestic for Mexico MEXPPDMAINMEI Current Index 2015=100 A NSA 2023-02-14
Producer Prices Index: Economic Activities: Manufacturing: Domestic for Mexico MEXPPDMMINMEI Current Index 2015=100 M NSA 2024-01-12
Producer Prices Index: Economic Activities: Manufacturing: Domestic for Mexico MEXPPDMQINMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q NSA 2023-11-17
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Construction for Mexico MEXPROCONAISMEI Current Index 2015=100 A SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Construction for Mexico MEXPROCONMISMEI Current Index 2015=100 M SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Construction for Mexico MEXPROCONQISMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Manufacturing for Mexico MEXPROMANAISMEI Current Index 2015=100 A SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Manufacturing for Mexico MEXPROMANMISMEI Current Index 2015=100 M SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Production Volume: Economic Activity: Manufacturing for Mexico MEXPROMANQISMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-05-15
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Retail Trade Volume: Economic Activity: Retail Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles for Mexico MEXSARTAISMEI Current Index 2015=100 A SA 2024-04-10
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Retail Trade Volume: Economic Activity: Retail Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles for Mexico MEXSARTMISMEI Current Index 2015=100 M SA 2024-06-17
Production, Sales, Work Started and Orders: Retail Trade Volume: Economic Activity: Retail Trade, Except of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles for Mexico MEXSARTQISMEI Current Index 2015=100 Q SA 2024-06-17
Projection of General government gross debt for Mexico GGGDTPMXA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
Projection of General government net lending/borrowing for Mexico GGNLBPMXA188N Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-25
Regulatory Tier 1 Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets for Mexico RT1CRAMXM163N Current Ratio M NSA 2024-11-01
Return on Assets for Mexico RETASTMXM163N Current Ratio M NSA 2024-11-01
Return on Equity for Mexico RETEQTMXM163N Current Ratio M NSA 2024-11-01
Total Reserves excluding Gold for Mexico TRESEGMXM052N Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-01-27
Total Reserves excluding Gold for Mexico TRESEGMXM194N Current Mil. of Special Drawing Rights M NSA 2025-01-27
U.S. Exports of Goods by F.A.S. Basis to Mexico EXPMX Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-01-07
U.S. Imports of Goods by Customs Basis from Mexico IMPMX Current Mil. of $ M NSA 2025-01-07

Series 51 - 92 of 92    « Previous 1 2


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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