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Published: 2012-06-01

Series 51 - 96 of 96    « Previous 1 2

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 1-Year Constant Maturity, Quoted on an Investment Basis GS1 2012-06-01 % M NSA 2012-05-07
Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDI 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-05-31
Federal Debt: Total Public Debt GFDEBTN 2012-06-01 Mil. of $ Q NSA 2012-03-08
Real Potential Gross Domestic Product GDPPOT 2012-06-01 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ Q NSA 2012-02-07
Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator GDPDEF 2012-06-01 Index 2005=100 Q SA 2012-05-31
Real Gross Domestic Product GDPCA 2012-06-01 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ A NSA 2012-03-29
Real Gross Domestic Product, 3 Decimal GDPC96 2012-06-01 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ Q SAAR 2012-05-31
Real Gross Domestic Product GDPC1 2012-06-01 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ Q SAAR 2012-05-31
Gross Domestic Product GDPA 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ A NSA 2012-03-29
Gross Domestic Product GDP 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-05-31
Natural Gas Price: Henry Hub, LA GASPRICE 2012-06-01 $ per Mil. BTU M NSA 2012-06-01
Federal Surplus or Deficit [-] FYFSD 2012-06-01 Mil. of $ A NSA 2012-02-13
Federal Government: Current Expenditures FGEXPND 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-05-31
Effective Federal Funds Rate FEDFUNDS 2012-06-01 % M NSA 2012-05-07
Excess Reserves of Depository Institutions EXCRESNS 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ M NSA 2012-06-01
Civilian Employment-Population Ratio EMRATIO 2012-06-01 % M SA 2012-06-01
Trade Weighted U.S. Dollar Index: Major Currencies DTWEXM 2012-06-01 Index Mar 1973=100 D NSA 2012-05-30
3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate DTB3 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
Real Disposable Personal Income DSPIC96 2012-06-01 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ M SAAR 2012-06-01
30-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate DGS30 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate DGS10 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
Manufacturers' New Orders: Durable Goods DGORDER 2012-06-01 Mil. of $ M SA 2012-05-24
10-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity DFII10 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
Effective Federal Funds Rate DFF 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
U.S. / Euro Foreign Exchange Rate DEXUSEU 2012-06-01 U.S. $ to 1 Euro D NSA 2012-05-30
Japan / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate DEXJPUS 2012-06-01 Japanese Yen to 1 U.S. $ D NSA 2014-03-24
China / U.S. Foreign Exchange Rate DEXCHUS 2012-06-01 Chinese Yuan to 1 U.S. $ D NSA 2014-03-21
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield DBAA 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield DAAA 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
Currency Component of M1 CURRENCY 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ W SA 2012-06-01
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items Less Food and Energy CPILFESL 2012-06-01 Index 1982-1984=100 M SA 2012-05-15
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items CPIAUCSL 2012-06-01 Index 1982-1984=100 M SA 2012-05-15
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items CPIAUCNS 2012-06-01 Index 1982-1984=100 M NSA 2012-05-15
Corporate Profits After Tax (without IVA and CCAdj) CP 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-05-31
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Credit Market Instruments; Liability, Level CMDEBT 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ Q SA 2012-03-09
Commercial and Industrial Loans, All Commercial Banks BUSLOANS 2012-06-01 Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2012-05-29
Trade Balance: Goods and Services, Balance of Payments Basis BOPGSTB 2012-06-01 Mil. of $ M SA 2012-05-10
St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base BASE 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ BW SA 2012-05-31
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II Total Return Index Value BAMLHYH0A0HYM2TRIV 2012-06-01 Index D NSA 2012-06-01
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II Effective Yield BAMLH0A0HYM2EY 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLH0A0HYM2 2012-06-01 % D NSA 2012-06-01
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield BAA 2012-06-01 % M NSA 2012-05-07
St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base AMBSL 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ M SA 2012-06-01
St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base AMBNS 2012-06-01 Bil. of $ M NSA 2012-06-01
Light Weight Vehicle Sales: Autos and Light Trucks ALTSALES 2012-06-01 Mil. of Units M SAAR 2012-05-31
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield AAA 2012-06-01 % M NSA 2012-05-07

Series 51 - 96 of 96    « Previous 1 2


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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