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State Taxes 1992 - current

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Published: 2013-01-30

Total State Tax Receipts by category

Series 1 - 31 of 31   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
State Government Tax Collections, Alcoholic Beverages Licenses in the United States USALCLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Alcoholic Beverages - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USALCOTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Amusements Licenses in the United States USAMSLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Amusements - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USAMUSTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Occupation and Business Licenses in the United States USBUSLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Corporation Net Income Taxes in the United States USCORPINCTX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Corporations in General Licenses in the United States USCORPLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Documentary and Stock Transfer Taxes in the United States USDOCUTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Death and Gift Taxes in the United States USDTHGFTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Motor Fuels - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USFUELTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Hunting and Fishing Licenses in the United States USHUNTLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Individual Income Taxes in the United States USINCTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Insurance Premiums - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USINSURTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Motor Vehicle Licenses in the United States USMOTOLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Motor Vehicle Operators Licenses in the United States USMVOPERTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Taxes Not Elsewhere Classified in the United States USNOCLSTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Other License Taxes in the United States USOTHLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Other Selective Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes in the United States USOTHSLSTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Pari-Mutuels - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USPARITAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2024-01-16
State Government Tax Collections, Property Taxes in the United States USPROPTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, General Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes in the United States USSALESTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Total Sales and Gross Receipts Taxes in the United States USSLGRTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Severance Taxes in the United States USSVRNCTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Total Income Taxes in the United States USTLINCTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Total License Taxes in the United States USTLLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Total Other Taxes in the United States USTLOTHTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Total Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USTLSLTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Tobacco Products - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USTOBACTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Total Taxes in the United States USTOTLTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Public Utilities - Selective Sales Taxes in the United States USUTILITAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06
State Government Tax Collections, Public Utilities Licenses in the United States USUTILLICTAX Current Thous. of $ A NSA 2025-01-06

Series 1 - 31 of 31   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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