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Published: 2013-02-18

Series 101 - 150 of 306    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Private Residential Fixed Investment PRFIA 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago A NSA 2013-01-30
Real Private Nonresidential Fixed Investment PNFICA 2013-02-18 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ A NSA 2013-01-30
Real Private Nonresidential Fixed Investment PNFICA 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago A NSA 2013-01-30
Private Nonresidential Fixed Investment PNFIA 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ A NSA 2013-01-30
Private Nonresidential Fixed Investment PNFIA 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago A NSA 2013-01-30
Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index PCECTPI 2013-02-18 Index 2005=100 Q SA 2013-01-30
Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index PCECTPI 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SA 2013-01-30
Consumer Loans: Other Consumer Loans, All Commercial Banks OCLACBM027SBOG 2013-02-18 Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2013-02-15
Real Private Nonresidential Investment: Equipment and Software NRIPDCA 2013-02-18 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ A NSA 2013-01-30
Real Private Nonresidential Investment: Equipment and Software NRIPDCA 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago A NSA 2013-01-30
National Income NICUR 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-12-20
National Income NICUR 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Nonfinancial Corporate Business: Profits After Tax (without IVA and CCAdj) NFCPATAX 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Nonfinancial Corporate Business: Profits After Tax (without IVA and CCAdj) NFCPATAX 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Net Commercial Loan Charge-offs to Total Commercial Loans for Banks NCOCMC 2013-02-18 % Q NSA 2013-02-15
Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) MCUMFN 2013-02-18 % M SA 2013-02-15
Bank Credit, All Commercial Banks LOANINVNSA 2013-02-18 Bil. of U.S. $ M NSA 2013-02-15
Bank Credit at All Commercial Banks LOANINV 2013-02-18 Bil. of U.S. $ M SA 2013-02-15
Bank Credit at All Commercial Banks LOANINV 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index Less Food and Energy JCXFE 2013-02-18 Index 2005=100 Q SA 2013-01-30
Personal Consumption Expenditures: Chain-type Price Index Less Food and Energy JCXFE 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SA 2013-01-30
Industrial Production: Electric and Gas Utilities IPUTIL 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Electric and Gas Utilities IPUTIL 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Nondurable Consumer Goods IPNCONGD 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Manufacturing (NAICS) IPMAN 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Manufacturing (NAICS) IPMAN 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Durable Manufacturing (NAICS) IPDMAN 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Durable Manufacturing (NAICS) IPDMAN 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Durable Consumer Goods IPDCONGD 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Durable Consumer Goods IPDCONGD 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Consumer Goods IPCONGD 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Consumer Goods IPCONGD 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Business Equipment IPBUSEQ 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production: Business Equipment IPBUSEQ 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production Index INDPRO 2013-02-18 Index 2007=100 M SA 2013-02-15
Industrial Production Index INDPRO 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago M SA 2013-02-15
Gross Saving GSAVE 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Gross Saving GSAVE 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Gross Private Saving GPSAVE 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Gross Private Saving GPSAVE 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SAAR 2012-12-20
Gross Private Domestic Investment: Chain-type Price Index GPDICTPI 2013-02-18 Index 2005=100 Q SA 2013-01-30
Gross Private Domestic Investment: Chain-type Price Index GPDICTPI 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SA 2013-01-30
Real Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDICA 2013-02-18 Bil. of Chn. 2005 $ A NSA 2013-01-30
Real Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDICA 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago A NSA 2013-01-30
Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDIA 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ A NSA 2013-01-30
Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDIA 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago A NSA 2013-01-30
Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDI 2013-02-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2013-01-30
Gross Private Domestic Investment GPDI 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SAAR 2013-01-30
Gross National Product: Implicit Price Deflator GNPDEF 2013-02-18 Index 2005=100 Q SA 2012-12-20
Gross National Product: Implicit Price Deflator GNPDEF 2013-02-18 Percent Change from Year Ago Q SA 2012-12-20

Series 101 - 150 of 306    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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