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Published: 2013-03-13

This is the master data set for my project concerning the united states for my economic fluctuations class

Series 351 - 400 of 582    [1] « Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Producer Price Index by Commodity: All Commodities PPIACO Current Percent Change M NSA 2024-09-12
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Energy Materials (DISCONTINUED) PPICEM Current Index 1982=100 M NSA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Energy Materials (DISCONTINUED) PPICEM Current Percent Change M NSA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Foodstuffs and Feedstuffs (DISCONTINUED) PPICFF Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Foodstuffs and Feedstuffs (DISCONTINUED) PPICFF Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Materials for Further Processing (DISCONTINUED) PPICRM Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Crude Materials for Further Processing (DISCONTINUED) PPICRM Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Consumer Foods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFCF Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Consumer Foods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFCF Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Consumer Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFCG Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Consumer Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFCG Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Consumer Goods Excluding Foods (DISCONTINUED) PFCGEF Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Consumer Goods Excluding Foods (DISCONTINUED) PFCGEF Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Energy Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFEG Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Energy Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFEG Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods: Capital Equipment (DISCONTINUED) PPICPE Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods: Capital Equipment (DISCONTINUED) PPICPE Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFGS Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFGS Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods Excluding Foods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFLF Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods Excluding Foods (DISCONTINUED) PPIFLF Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods Less Energy (DISCONTINUED) PPIFLE Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods Less Energy (DISCONTINUED) PPIFLE Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods Less Food and Energy (DISCONTINUED) PPILFE Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity for Finished Goods Less Food and Energy (DISCONTINUED) PPILFE Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity: Fuels and Related Products and Power PPIENG Current Index 1982=100 M NSA 2024-09-12
Producer Price Index by Commodity: Fuels and Related Products and Power PPIENG Current Percent Change M NSA 2024-09-12
Producer Price Index by Commodity: Industrial Commodities PPIIDC Current Index 1982=100 M NSA 2024-09-12
Producer Price Index by Commodity: Industrial Commodities PPIIDC Current Percent Change M NSA 2024-09-12
Producer Price Index by Commodity Intermediate Energy Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIIEG Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity Intermediate Energy Goods (DISCONTINUED) PPIIEG Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity Intermediate Foods and Feeds (DISCONTINUED) PPIIFF Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity Intermediate Foods and Feeds (DISCONTINUED) PPIIFF Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity Intermediate Materials: Supplies and Components (DISCONTINUED) PPIITM Current Index 1982=100 M SA 2016-01-15
Producer Price Index by Commodity Intermediate Materials: Supplies and Components (DISCONTINUED) PPIITM Current Percent Change M SA 2016-01-15
Real Disposable Personal Income DPIC96 Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Real Disposable Personal Income DPIC96 Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Real Disposable Personal Income DSPIC96 Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ M SAAR 2024-09-27
Real Disposable Personal Income DSPIC96 Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change M SAAR 2024-09-27
Real Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita A229RX0 Current Chn. 2017 $ M SAAR 2024-09-27
Real Disposable Personal Income: Per Capita A229RX0 Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change M SAAR 2024-09-27
Real Exports of Goods and Services EXPGSCA Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Exports of Goods and Services EXPGSCA Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Exports of Goods and Services (DISCONTINUED) EXPGSC96 Current Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-09-28
Real Exports of Goods and Services (DISCONTINUED) EXPGSC96 Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change Q SAAR 2017-09-28
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (DISCONTINUED) GCEC96 Current Bil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-09-28
Real Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment (DISCONTINUED) GCEC96 Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change Q SAAR 2017-09-28
Real Gross Domestic Product GDPCA Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Gross Domestic Product GDPCA Current Compounded Annual Rate of Change A NSA 2024-09-26
Real Gross Domestic Product (DISCONTINUED) GDPMC1 Current Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2017-09-28

Series 351 - 400 of 582    [1] « Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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