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WYDDataSet-Price-BEA-Personal Income and Outlays

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Published: 2024-09-07

Series 51 - 69 of 69    « Previous 1 2

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Personal Current Transfer Receipts PCTR Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal Income Receipts on Assets: Personal Dividend Income PDI Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal Income PI Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal Income Receipts on Assets: Personal Interest Income PII Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal Income Receipts on Assets PIROA Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal Saving PMSAVE Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Population POPTHM Current Thous. M NSA 2025-02-28
Personal Saving Rate PSAVERT Current % M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current taxes W055RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer payments: to government W062RC1M027SBEA Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Compensation of employees, received W209RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer payments W211RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer receipts: Government social benefits to persons: Medicaid W729RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer receipts: Government social benefits to persons: Social security W823RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer receipts: Government social benefits to persons: Medicare W824RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer receipts: Government social benefits to persons: Unemployment insurance W825RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer receipts: Government social benefits to persons: Veterans' benefits W826RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Personal current transfer receipts: Government social benefits to persons: Other W827RC1 Current Bil. of $ M SAAR 2025-02-28
Real personal income excluding current transfer receipts W875RX1 Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ M SAAR 2025-02-28

Series 51 - 69 of 69    « Previous 1 2


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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