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Published: 2024-09-07

Series 51 - 100 of 323    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
U.S. Imports of Services: Transport ITMTRAM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Telecommunications, Computer, and Information Services ITMTCIM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Travel (for All Purposes Including Education) ITMTAEM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Other Business Services ITMOBSM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Maintenance and Repair Services, not included elsewhere ITMMARM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Insurance Services ITMINSM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Government Goods and Services, not included elsewhere ITMGGSM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Financial Services ITMFISM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
U.S. Imports of Services: Charges for the Use of Intellectual Property, not included elsewhere ITMCIPM133S Current Mil. of $ M SA 2025-02-05
Real imports of goods and services IMPGSC1 Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ Q SAAR 2025-02-27
Imports of Goods and Services IMPGS Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2025-02-27
Exports of Services: Travel (for all purposes including education) IEAXSTV Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Telecommunications, computer, and information services IEAXSTC Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Transport IEAXST Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. IEAXSM Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Secondary income (current transfer) receipts IEAXSIR Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Charges for the use of intellectual property n.i.e. IEAXSIP Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Insurance services IEAXSI Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Government goods and services n.i.e. IEAXSG Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Financial services IEAXSF Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services: Other business services IEAXSB Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Services IEAXS Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary Income Receipts: Investment income: Reserve asset income IEAXIR Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary Income Receipts: Investment income: Portfolio investment income IEAXIP Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary Income Receipts: Investment income: Other investment income IEAXIO Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary Income Receipts: Investment income IEAXII Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary Income Receipts: Investment income: Direct investment income IEAXID Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary Income Receipts: Compensation of employees IEAXIC Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Primary income receipts IEAXI Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of goods and services IEAXGS Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General Merchandise: Other general merchandise IEAXGO Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: Net exports of goods under merchanting IEAXGNX Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General merchandise IEAXGM Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General Merchandise: Industrial supplies and materials IEAXGI Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: Nonmonetary gold IEAXGG Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General Merchandise: Foods, feeds, and beverages IEAXGF Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General Merchandise: Consumer goods except food and automotive IEAXGCG Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General Merchandise: Capital goods except automotive IEAXGC Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods: General Merchandise: Automotive vehicles, parts, and engines IEAXGAV Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of Goods IEAXG Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Exports of goods and services and income receipts (credits) IEAX Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Statistical discrepancy IEASD Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Seasonal Adjustment Discrepancy IEASAD Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2020-03-19
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) from financial-account transactions IEANLF Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Net lending (+) or net borrowing (-) from current- and capital-account transactions IEANLC Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Imports of Services: Travel (for all purposes including education) IEAMSTV Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Imports of Services: Telecommunications, computer, and information services IEAMSTC Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Imports of Services: Transport IEAMST Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Imports of Services: Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. IEAMSM Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18
Secondary income (current transfer) payments IEAMSIR Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-12-18

Series 51 - 100 of 323    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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