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Published: 2024-09-07

Series 201 - 233 of 233    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Housing Inventory Estimate: Owner Occupied Housing Units in the South Census Region EOWNOCCSOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Owner Occupied Housing Units in the West Census Region EOWNOCCWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Rent in the Midwest Census Region ERENTMWQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Rent in the Northeast Census Region ERENTNEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Rent in the South Census Region ERENTSOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Rent in the West Census Region ERENTWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Renter Occupied Housing Units in the Northeast Census Region ERNTOCCNEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Rented or Sold but Not Yet Occupied in the Midwest Census Region ERNTSLDMWQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Rented or Sold but Not Yet Occupied in the Northeast Census Region ERNTSLDNEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Rented or Sold but Not Yet Occupied in the South Census Region ERNTSLDSOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Rented or Sold but Not Yet Occupied in the West Census Region ERNTSLDWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Sale in the Midwest Census Region ESALEMWQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Sale in the Northeast Census Region ESALENEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Sale in the South Census Region ESALESOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units for Sale in the West Census Region ESALEWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Seasonal Housing Units in the Midwest Census Region ESEASONMWQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Seasonal Housing Units in the Northeast Census Region ESEASONNEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Seasonal Housing Units in the South Census Region ESEASONSOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Seasonal Housing Units in the West Census Region ESEASONWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the Midwest Census Region EUREMWQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the Northeast Census Region EURENEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the South Census Region EURESOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Usual Residence Elsewhere in the West Census Region EUREWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Year-Round Vacant Housing Units in the Midwest Census Region EYRVACMWQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Year-Round Vacant Housing Units in the Northeast Census Region EYRVACNEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Year-Round Vacant Housing Units in the South Census Region EYRVACSOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Year-Round Vacant Housing Units in the West Census Region EYRVACWEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Homeowner Vacancy Rate in the Midwest Census Region RHVRMWQ156N Current % Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market in the Northeast Census Region EOFFMARNEQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units Held Off the Market and Vacant for Other Reasons in the South Census Region EOTHSOQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2025-02-05
Homeowner Vacancy Rate in the Northeast Census Region RHVRNEQ156N Current % Q NSA 2025-02-05
Homeowner Vacancy Rate in the South Census Region RHVRSOQ156N Current % Q NSA 2025-02-05
Homeowner Vacancy Rate in the West Census Region RHVRWEQ156N Current % Q NSA 2025-02-05

Series 201 - 233 of 233    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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