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Unemployment Eurozone

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Published: 2013-12-25

Series 1 - 32 of 32   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Belgium (DISCONTINUED) BELURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Germany (DISCONTINUED) DEUURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Spain (DISCONTINUED) ESPURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Finland (DISCONTINUED) FINURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for France (DISCONTINUED) FRAURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Greece (DISCONTINUED) GRCURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Ireland (DISCONTINUED) IRLURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Italy (DISCONTINUED) ITAURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Austria LRUN64TTATQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Belgium LRUN64TTBEQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Germany LRUN64TTDEQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Estonia LRUN64TTEEQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Spain LRUN64TTESQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-12-03
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for the Euro Area LRUN64TTEZQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-11-05
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Finland LRUN64TTFIQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for France LRUN64TTFRQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-11-05
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Greece LRUN64TTGRQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Ireland LRUN64TTIEQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Italy LRUN64TTITQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Luxembourg LRUN64TTLUQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for the Netherlands LRUN64TTNLQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Portugal LRUN64TTPTQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-12-03
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for Slovenia LRUN64TTSIQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for the Slovak Republic LRUN64TTSKQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-10-02
Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for the United States LRUN64TTUSQ156S 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2013-12-03
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Luxembourg (DISCONTINUED) LUXURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Netherlands (DISCONTINUED) NLDURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Portugal (DISCONTINUED) PRTURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Slovak Republic (DISCONTINUED) SVKURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Slovenia (DISCONTINUED) SVNURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for the United States (DISCONTINUED) USAURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 % Q SA 2012-07-19
Harmonized Unemployment Rate: All Persons for Austria (DISCONTINUED) AUTURHARMQDSMEI 2013-12-25 Change, Percent Q SA 2012-07-19

Series 1 - 32 of 32   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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