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Published: 2008-10-01

Series 1 - 23 of 23   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Federal Surplus or Deficit [-] FYFSD Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2024-03-11
Federal Debt: Total Public Debt GFDEBTN Current Mil. of $ Q NSA 2024-09-05
University of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment UMCSENT Current Index 1966:Q1=100 M NSA 2024-09-27
Total Population: All Ages including Armed Forces Overseas POP Current Change from Year Ago, Thousands M NSA 2023-12-19
Total Borrowings from the Federal Reserve BORROW Current Change from Year Ago, Millions of Dollars M NSA 2024-09-24
Advance Real Retail and Food Services Sales RRSFS Current Change from Year Ago, Millions of 1982-84 CPI Adjusted Dollars M SA 2024-09-17
Manufacturing Sector: Real Hourly Compensation for All Workers COMPRMS Current Change from Year Ago, Index 2017=100 Q SA 2024-09-05
Nonfarm Business Sector: Real Hourly Compensation for All Workers COMPRNFB Current Change from Year Ago, Index 2017=100 Q SA 2024-09-05
Industrial Production: Utilities: Electric and Gas Utilities (NAICS = 2211,2) IPUTIL Current Change from Year Ago, Index 2017=100 M SA 2024-09-17
Business Sector: Real Hourly Compensation for All Workers RCPHBS Current Change from Year Ago, Index 2017=100 Q SA 2024-09-05
St. Louis Adjusted Monetary Base (DISCONTINUED) BASE Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars BW SA 2019-12-19
Currency in Circulation CURRCIR Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars M NSA 2024-09-26
Total Borrowings of Depository Institutions from the Federal Reserve excluding Term Auction Credit (DISCONTINUED) DISCBORR Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars M NSA 2020-09-10
Federal Debt Held by Foreign and International Investors FDHBFIN Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars Q NSA 2024-09-05
Federal Debt Held by Federal Reserve Banks FDHBFRBN Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars Q NSA 2024-09-05
Federal Debt Held by Private Investors FDHBPIN Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars Q NSA 2024-09-05
MZM Money Stock (DISCONTINUED) MZM Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars W SA 2024-09-24
Total Borrowings of Depository Institutions from the Federal Reserve TOTBORR Current Change from Year Ago, Billions of Dollars W NSA 2024-09-26
Gross Federal Debt FYGFD Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-03-21
Household Financial Obligations as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income (DISCONTINUED) FODSP Current % Q SA 2024-07-26
Net Commercial Loan Charge-offs to Total Commercial Loans for Banks (DISCONTINUED) NCOCMC Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Loan Loss Reserve to Total Loans for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USLLRTL Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10
Net Loan Losses to Average Total Loans for all U.S. Banks (DISCONTINUED) USLSTL Current % Q NSA 2020-12-10

Series 1 - 23 of 23   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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