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Mean Adjusted Gross Income by State

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Published: 2025-02-20

Series 1 - 27 of 27   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Arizona MEANAGIAZ4A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for California MEANAGICA6A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Colorado MEANAGICO8A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Florida MEANAGIFL12A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Georgia MEANAGIGA13A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Illinois MEANAGIIL17A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Indiana MEANAGIIN18A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Louisiana MEANAGILA22A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Maryland MEANAGIMD24A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Massachusetts MEANAGIMA25A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Michigan MEANAGIMI26A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Minnesota MEANAGIMN27A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Missouri MEANAGIMO29A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Nevada MEANAGINV32A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for New Jersey MEANAGINJ34A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for New York MEANAGINY36A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for North Carolina MEANAGINC37A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Ohio MEANAGIOH39A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Oklahoma MEANAGIOK40A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Oregon MEANAGIOR41A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Pennsylvania MEANAGIPA42A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Tennessee MEANAGITN47A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Texas MEANAGITX48A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Utah MEANAGIUT49A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Virginia MEANAGIVA51A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Washington MEANAGIWA53A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20
Mean Adjusted Gross Income for Wisconsin MEANAGIWI55A052NCEN 2025-02-20 $ A NSA 2024-12-20

Series 1 - 27 of 27   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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