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Data for Beaudry Moura Portier (2014)

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Published: 2014-06-19

Here are some of the data sources used in Beaudry, Moura and Portier (2014) "The Cyclical Behavior of the Relative Price of Investment"

For Canada, France, Germany and Great-Britain, data are extracted from the FRED database, and samples are respectively 1981Q1-2012Q1, 1955Q1-2013Q4, 1991Q1-2012Q4 and 1955Q1-2012Q4. Real series are in chained 2002 Canadian Dollars for Canada, chained 2005 Euros for France and Germany and chained 2009 Pounds for Great Britain.

Series 1 - 30 of 30   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in United Kingdom GBRPFCEQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of British Pounds Q SA 2014-04-03
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in the United Kingdom GBRPFCEQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2009 Pounds Q SA 2013-05-01
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Japan JPNPFCEQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Trillions of Japanese Yen Q SA 2014-06-05
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Japan JPNPFCEQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Bil. of Chn. 2005 Yen Q SA 2014-04-01
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Italy ITAPFCEQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Euros Q SA 2014-04-03
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Italy ITAPFCEQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Germany DEUPFCEQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Euros Q SA 2014-06-05
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Germany DEUPFCEQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in France FRAPFCEQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Euros Q SA 2014-06-05
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in France FRAPFCEQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Canada CANPFCEQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Canadian $ Q SA 2014-06-05
Private Final Consumption Expenditure in Canada CANPFCEQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2002 Canadian $ Q SA 2012-10-29
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in United Kingdom GBRGFCFQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of British Pounds Q SA 2014-04-03
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in the United Kingdom GBRGFCFQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2009 Pounds Q SA 2013-05-01
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Japan JPNGFCFQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Trillions of Japanese Yen Q SA 2014-06-05
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Japan JPNGFCFQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Bil. of Chn. 2005 Yen Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Italy ITAGFCFQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Euros Q SA 2014-04-03
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Italy ITAGFCFQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Germany DEUGFCFQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Euros Q SA 2014-06-05
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Germany DEUGFCFQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in France FRAGFCFQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Euros Q SA 2014-06-05
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in France FRAGFCFQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Canada CANGFCFQDSMEI 2014-06-19 Bil. of Canadian $ Q SA 2014-06-05
Gross Fixed Capital Formation in Canada CANGFCFQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2002 Canadian $ Q SA 2012-10-29
Gross Domestic Product in the United Kingdom GBRRGDPQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2009 Pounds Q SA 2013-06-03
Gross Domestic Product in Japan JPNRGDPQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Bil. of Chn. 2005 Yen Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Domestic Product in Italy ITARGDPQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Domestic Product in Germany DEURGDPQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Domestic Product in France FRARGDPQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2005 Euros Q SA 2014-04-01
Gross Domestic Product in Canada (DISCONTINUED) CANRGDPQDSNAQ 2014-06-19 Mil. of Chn. 2002 Canadian $ Q SA 2012-10-29

Series 1 - 30 of 30   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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