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Published data lists are economic time series data sets that users of this site have chosen to make publicly available. Possible uses include teachers sharing data lists with students and researchers including links to data lists in bibliographies.

Published: 2015-04-01

Series 1 - 45 of 45   

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
4-Week Moving Average of Initial Claims IC4WSA Current Number W SA 2024-09-26
5-Year, 5-Year Forward Inflation Expectation Rate T5YIFR Current % D NSA 2024-09-27
Advance Real Retail and Food Services Sales RRSFS Current Mil. of 1982-84 CPI Adjusted $ M SA 2024-09-17
Advance Retail Sales: Electronics and Appliance Stores RSEAS Current Mil. of $ M SA 2024-09-17
Advance Retail Sales: Nonstore Retailers RSNSR Current Mil. of $ M SA 2024-09-17
Auto Inventory/Sales Ratio AISRSA Current Ratio M SA 2024-09-27
Capacity Utilization: Total Index TCU Current % M SA 2024-09-17
Change in Private Inventories CBI Current Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Consumer Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income CDSP Current % Q SA 2024-09-26
Domestic Auto Inventories AUINSA Current Thous. of Units M SA 2024-09-27
E-Commerce Retail Sales ECOMSA Current Mil. of $ Q SA 2024-08-19
E-Commerce Retail Sales as a Percent of Total Sales ECOMPCTSA Current % Q SA 2024-08-19
Employment-Population Ratio EMRATIO Current % M SA 2024-09-06
Existing Home Sales EXHOSLUSM495S Current Number of Units M SAAR 2024-09-19
Existing Home Sales: Housing Inventory HOSINVUSM495N Current Number of Units M NSA 2024-09-19
Federal Funds Effective Rate FEDFUNDS Current % M NSA 2024-09-03
Federal Surplus or Deficit [-] as Percent of Gross Domestic Product FYFSGDA188S Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-09-26
Gross Domestic Product A191RP1Q027SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income TDSP Current % Q SA 2024-09-26
Housing Inventory Estimate: Total Housing Units in the United States ETOTALUSQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2024-07-30
Housing Inventory Estimate: Vacant Housing Units in the United States EVACANTUSQ176N Current Thous. of Units Q NSA 2024-07-30
ICE BofA US High Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLH0A0HYM2 Current % D NSA 2024-09-27
Labor Force Participation Rate CIVPART Current % M SA 2024-09-06
Manufacturers' New Orders: Durable Goods DGORDER Current Mil. of $ M SA 2024-09-26
Market Yield on U.S. Treasury Securities at 10-Year Constant Maturity, Quoted on an Investment Basis DGS10 Current % D NSA 2024-09-27
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units HOUST Current Thous. of Units M SAAR 2024-09-18
Nonfarm Private Large Payroll Employment (1000+) (DISCONTINUED) NPPTL2 Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
Nonfarm Private Large Payroll Employment (> 499) (DISCONTINUED) NPPTL Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
Nonfarm Private Medium Payroll Employment (50 - 499) (DISCONTINUED) NPPTM Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
Nonfarm Private Small Payroll Employment (1 - 49) (DISCONTINUED) NPPTS Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income A072RC1Q156SBEA Current % Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Producer Price Index by Commodity: All Commodities PPIACO Current Index 1982=100 M NSA 2024-09-12
Real Disposable Personal Income A067RL1Q156SBEA Current % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2024-09-26
Real Personal Income RPI Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ M SAAR 2024-09-27
Retailers Inventories RETAILIMSA Current Mil. of $ M SA 2024-09-17
Retailers: Inventories to Sales Ratio RETAILIRSA Current Ratio M SA 2024-09-17
Smoothed U.S. Recession Probabilities RECPROUSM156N Current % M NSA 2024-09-03
TED Spread (DISCONTINUED) TEDRATE Current % D NSA 2022-01-28
Total Business Inventories BUSINV Current Mil. of $ M SA 2024-09-17
Total Business: Inventories to Sales Ratio ISRATIO Current Ratio M SA 2024-09-17
Total Nonfarm Private Payroll Employment (DISCONTINUED) NPPTTL Current Thous. M SA 2022-06-02
Total Unemployed, Plus All Persons Marginally Attached to the Labor Force, Plus Total Employed Part Time for Economic Reasons, as a Percent of the Civilian Labor Force Plus All Persons Marginally Attached to the Labor Force (U-6) U6RATE Current % M SA 2024-09-06
Unemployment Rate UNRATE Current % M SA 2024-09-06
University of Michigan: Consumer Sentiment UMCSENT Current Index 1966:Q1=100 M NSA 2024-09-27
Velocity of M2 Money Stock M2V Current Ratio Q SA 2024-09-26

Series 1 - 45 of 45   


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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