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Published: 2015-07-19

Series 1 - 50 of 383    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [8]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
M2 for United States MYAGM2USM052N 2015-07-19 $ M NSA 2015-07-01
M2 for United States MYAGM2USM052S 2015-07-19 $ M SA 2015-07-01
Moody's Seasoned Aaa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity AAA10Y 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-20
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity BAA10Y 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-20
BofA Merrill Lynch US Corporate Master Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A0CM 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US Corporate AAA Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A1CAAA 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US Corporate AA Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A2CAA 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US Corporate A Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A3CA 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US Corporate BBB Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A4CBBB 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch Emerging Markets Corporate Plus Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLEMCBPIOAS 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLH0A0HYM2 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield BB Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLH0A1HYBB 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield B Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLH0A2HYB 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch US High Yield CCC or Below Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLH0A3HYC 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
BofA Merrill Lynch Euro High Yield Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLHE00EHYIOAS 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
Stock Market Capitalization to GDP for United States DDDM01USA156NWDB 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2013-06-06
1-Month Eurodollar Deposit Rate (London) DED1 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
3-Month Eurodollar Deposit Rate (London) DED3 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
6-Month Eurodollar Deposit Rate (London) DED6 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
1-Year Swap Rate DSWP1 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
10-Year Swap Rate DSWP10 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
2-Year Swap Rate DSWP2 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
3-Year Swap Rate DSWP3 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
30-Year Swap Rate DSWP30 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
4-Year Swap Rate DSWP4 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
5-Year Swap Rate DSWP5 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
7-Year Swap Rate DSWP7 2015-07-19 % D NSA 2015-07-17
E-Commerce Retail Sales as a Percent of Total Sales ECOMPCTNSA 2015-07-19 % Q NSA 2015-05-15
E-Commerce Retail Sales as a Percent of Total Sales ECOMPCTSA 2015-07-19 % Q SA 2015-05-15
Inflation, consumer prices for the United States FPCPITOTLZGUSA 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2015-07-07
People 25 Years and Over Who Have Completed High School (Includes Equivalency) for the United States (DISCONTINUED) GCT1501US 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2014-05-22
People 25 Years and Over Who Have Completed a Bachelor's Degree for the United States (DISCONTINUED) GCT1502US 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2014-05-22
People 25 Years and Over Who Have Completed an Advanced Degree for the United States (DISCONTINUED) GCT1503US 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2014-05-22
Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-year: Main (Including Benchmark) for the United States IRLTLT01USA156N 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2017-04-13
Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-year: Main (Including Benchmark) for the United States IRLTLT01USM156N 2015-07-19 % M NSA 2017-04-14
Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-year: Main (Including Benchmark) for the United States IRLTLT01USQ156N 2015-07-19 % Q NSA 2017-04-14
Unemployment Rate - High School Graduates, No College, 25 Yrs. & over LNS14027660 2015-07-19 % M SA 2015-07-02
Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States LREM25TTUSA156N 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2015-02-03
Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States LREM25TTUSA156S 2015-07-19 % A NSA 2015-02-03
Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States LREM25TTUSM156N 2015-07-19 % M NSA 2017-04-13
Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States LREM25TTUSM156S 2015-07-19 % M SA 2017-04-13
Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States LREM25TTUSQ156N 2015-07-19 % Q NSA 2017-04-13
Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States LREM25TTUSQ156S 2015-07-19 % Q SA 2017-04-13
Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing (NAICS) MCUMFN 2015-07-19 % M SA 2015-07-15
University of Michigan: Inflation Expectation MICH 2015-07-19 % M NSA 2015-07-17
Natural Rate of Unemployment (Long-Term) NROU 2015-07-19 % Q NSA 2015-02-13
Natural Rate of Unemployment (Short-Term) NROUST 2015-07-19 % Q NSA 2015-02-13
Homeownership Rate for the United States RHORUSQ156N 2015-07-19 % Q NSA 2015-04-28
New Car Average Finance Rate at Auto Finance Companies (DISCONTINUED) RIFLPCFANNM 2015-07-19 % M NSA 2014-03-05
Homeownership Rate for the United States RSAHORUSQ156S 2015-07-19 % Q SA 2015-04-28

Series 1 - 50 of 383    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [8]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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