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Published: 2016-01-23

Series 101 - 150 of 339    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units PERMIT Current Thous. of Units M SAAR 2024-11-26
CBOE Crude Oil ETF Volatility Index OVXCLS Current Index D NSA 2024-11-29
S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller NY-New York Home Price Index NYXRSA Current Index Jan 2000=100 M SA 2024-11-26
Current Number of Part-Time, Temporary, and Contract Employees; Percent of Respondents Reporting No Change for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NPBNNC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Number of Part-Time, Temporary, and Contract Employees; Percent of Respondents Reporting Increases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NPBNINC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Number of Part-Time, Temporary, and Contract Employees; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NPBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2024-11-26
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Greater Than 80 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFINGT80A2P2AMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 41 and 80 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN4180AAAMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 41 and 80 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN4180A2P2VOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 41 and 80 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN4180A2P2AMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 21 and 40 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN2140AAVOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 21 and 40 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN2140AAAMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 21 and 40 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN2140A2P2VOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 21 and 40 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN2140A2P2AMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 1 and 4 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN14AAVOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 1 and 4 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN14AAAMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 1 and 4 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN14A2P2VOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 1 and 4 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN14A2P2AMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 10 and 20 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN1020AAVOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 10 and 20 Days, Used in Calculating the AA Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN1020AAAMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Number of Issues, with a Maturity Between 10 and 20 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN1020A2P2VOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Issues, with a Maturity Between 10 and 20 Days, Used in Calculating the A2/P2 Nonfinancial Commercial Paper Rates NONFIN1020A2P2AMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Current New Orders; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NOBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2024-11-26
Current New Orders; Percent of Respondents Reporting Decreases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NOBNDEC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
Nikkei Stock Average, Nikkei 225 NIKKEI225 Current Index D NSA 2024-11-29
Current Number of Full-Time Permanent Employees; Percent of Respondents Reporting No Change for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NFBNNC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Number of Full-Time Permanent Employees; Percent of Respondents Reporting Increases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NFBNINC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Number of Full-Time Permanent Employees; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NFBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Number of Full-Time Permanent Employees; Percent of Respondents Reporting Decreases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia NFBNDEC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
NASDAQ Composite Index NASDAQCOM Current Index Feb 5, 1971=100 D NSA 2024-11-29
NASDAQ 100 Index NASDAQ100 Current Index D NSA 2024-11-29
Real MZM Money Stock (DISCONTINUED) MZMREAL Current Bil. of 1982-84 $ M SA 2024-11-13
M1 Money Multiplier (DISCONTINUED) MULT Current Ratio BW SA 2019-12-12
Origination Fees and Discount Points for 30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage in the United States (DISCONTINUED) MORTPTS30US Current % W NSA 2022-11-10
5/1-Year Adjustable Rate Mortgage Average in the United States (DISCONTINUED) MORTGAGE5US Current % W NSA 2022-11-10
30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States MORTGAGE30US Current % W NSA 2024-11-27
15-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States MORTGAGE15US Current % W NSA 2024-11-27
U.S. Natural Gas Liquid Composite Price MNGLCP Current $ Per Mil. BTU M NSA 2024-11-06
Number of Commercial Paper Issues with a Maturity Between 21 and 40 Days MKT2140MKTVOL Current Number D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Commercial Paper Issues with a Maturity Between 1 and 4 Days MKT14MKTAMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Total Value of Commercial Paper Issues with a Maturity Between 10 and 20 Days MKT1020MKTAMT Current Mil. of $ D NSA 2024-11-29
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price MHHNGSP Current $ Per Mil. BTU M NSA 2024-11-06
Chicago Fed Midwest Economy Index MEIM683SFRBCHI Current Index Standard Deviation M SA 2021-06-30
Mortgage-backed securities held by the Federal Reserve: All Maturities (DISCONTINUED) MBST Current Mil. of $ W NSA 2018-06-14
Real M2 Money Stock M2REAL Current Bil. of 1982-84 $ M SA 2024-11-26
Real M1 Money Stock M1REAL Current Bil. of 1982-84 $ M SA 2024-11-26
Contributions to the Cleveland Financial Stress Index: Liquidity Spread (DISCONTINUED) LQTYSD678FRBCLE Current Units of Stress D NSA 2016-05-06
Current Inventories; Percent of Respondents Reporting Increases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia IVBNINC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Inventories; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia IVBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2024-11-26
Current Inventories; Percent of Respondents Reporting Decreases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia IVBNDEC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2024-11-26

Series 101 - 150 of 339    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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