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Published: 2016-01-23

Series 151 - 200 of 339    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Current Wages and Benefit Costs; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia WBBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2025-02-25
Current Wages and Benefit Costs; Percent of Respondents Reporting Decreases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia WBBNDEC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Current Wages and Benefit Costs; Percent of Respondents Reporting Increases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia WBBNINC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Discount Rate (DISCONTINUED) DDISCRT Current % D NSA 2022-06-06
Discount Window Primary Credit Rate DPCREDIT Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for Canada CANEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for China CHIEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2019-05-02
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for Europe EUEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for France FREUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for Germany DEEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for India INDEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for Italy ITEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for Spain SPEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for United Kingdom UKEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for United States USEPUINDXD Current Index D NSA 2025-03-13
Economic Policy Uncertainty Index for United States USEPUINDXM Current Index M NSA 2025-03-03
Equity Market-related Economic Uncertainty Index WLEMUINDXD Current Index D NSA 2025-03-13
Federal Funds Effective Rate DFF Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
Flexible Rate on Seasonal Credit in Federal Reserve District 8: St. Louis FLEXSC Current % BW NSA 2025-03-06
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for their Firm; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GAFBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for their Firm; Percent of Respondents Reporting Decreases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GAFBNDEC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for their Firm; Percent of Respondents Reporting Increases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GAFBNINC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for their Firm; Percent of Respondents Reporting No Change for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GAFBNNC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for the Region; Diffusion Index for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GARFBNDIF066MNFRBPHI Current Index M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for the Region; Percent of Respondents Reporting Decreases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GARFBNDEC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for the Region; Percent of Respondents Reporting Increases for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GARFBNINC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Future General Activity, Perceptions of Respondents for the Region; Percent of Respondents Reporting No Change for Federal Reserve District 3: Philadelphia GARFBNNC156MNFRBPHI Current % M NSA 2025-02-25
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price AHHNGSP Current $ Per Mil. BTU A NSA 2025-01-02
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price DHHNGSP Current $ Per Mil. BTU D NSA 2025-03-12
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price MHHNGSP Current $ Per Mil. BTU M NSA 2025-03-05
Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price WHHNGSP Current $ Per Mil. BTU W NSA 2025-03-12
ICE BofA 1-3 Year US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC1A0C13YEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 15+ Year US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC8A0C15PYEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 15+ Year US Corporate Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC8A0C15PY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 3-5 Year US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC2A0C35YEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 3-5 Year US Corporate Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC2A0C35Y Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 5-7 Year US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC3A0C57YEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 7-10 Year US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC4A0C710YEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA 7-10 Year US Corporate Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC4A0C710Y Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA AAA US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC0A1CAAAEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA AAA US Corporate Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A1CAAA Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA AAA US Corporate Index Total Return Index Value BAMLCC0A1AAATRIV Current Index D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA AA US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC0A2CAAEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA AA US Corporate Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A2CAA Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA Asia Emerging Markets Corporate Plus Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLEMRACRPIASIAOAS Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA BBB US Corporate Index Effective Yield BAMLC0A4CBBBEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA BBB US Corporate Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLC0A4CBBB Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA BBB US Corporate Index Total Return Index Value BAMLCC0A4BBBTRIV Current Index D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA BBB US Emerging Markets Liquid Corporate Plus Index Option-Adjusted Spread BAMLEM2RBBBLCRPIUSOAS Current % D NSA 2025-03-13
ICE BofA BB US High Yield Index Effective Yield BAMLH0A1HYBBEY Current % D NSA 2025-03-13

Series 151 - 200 of 339    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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