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Published: 2016-03-29

List of series names corresponding to national accounts assets and liabilities (level), with no Seasonal Adjustment

Series 1 - 50 of 813    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [17]

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Net Worth as a Percentage of Disposable Personal Income HNONWPDPI 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Households; Owners' Equity in Real Estate as a Percentage of Household Real Estate, Level HOEREPHRE 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Corporate Equities as a Percentage of Net Worth NCBCEPNW 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Credit Market Debt as a Percentage of the Market Value of Corporate Equities NCBCMDPMVCE 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Credit Market Debt as a Percentage of Net Worth (Historical Cost) NCBCMDPNWHC 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Credit Market Debt as a Percentage of Net Worth (Market Value) NCBCMDPNWMV 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business; Credit Market Debt as a Percentage of Net Worth NNBCMDPNW 2016-03-29 % Q NSA 2016-03-10
Issuers of Asset-Backed Securities; Credit Market Instruments; Asset (DISCONTINUED) ABSITCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Issuers of Asset-Backed Securities; Total Liabilities (DISCONTINUED) ABSITCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Agency- and GSE-Backed Securities; Asset, Level AGSEBSABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Agency- and GSE-Backed Securities; Asset AGSEBSABSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Security Brokers and Dealers; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level BDTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-25
Security Brokers and Dealers; Credit Market Instruments; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) BDTCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Depository Institution Loans Not Elsewhere Classified; Liability, Level BLNECLBSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business; Depository Institution Loans Not Elsewhere Classified, Excluding Noncorporate Farms; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) BLNECLBSNNB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Depository Institution Loans Not Elsewhere Classified; Liability, Level BLNECLBSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Holding Companies; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBBHCTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Holding Companies; Credit Market Instruments; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBBHCTCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Banks in U.S.-Affiliated Areas; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBBUSAATCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Foreign Banking offices in the U.S.; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBFBOUSTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Foreign Banking offices in the U.S.; Bankers' Acceptances; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBFBOUSTCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Corporate Bonds; Liability, Level CBLBSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
U.S.-Chartered Depository Institutions; Debt Securities and Loans; Asset, Level CBTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-25
U.S.-Chartered Depository Institutions; Credit Market Instruments; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBTCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
U.S.-Chartered Commercial Banks; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBUSCCBTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2014-03-06
U.S.-Chartered Commercial Banks; Credit Market Instruments; Liability, Level (DISCONTINUED) CBUSCCBTCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2014-03-06
Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business; Consumer Credit; Asset, Level CCABSNNB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Consumer Credit; Asset, Level CCABSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Consumer Credit; Liability, Level CCLBSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Checkable Deposits and Currency; Asset, Level CDCABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business; Checkable Deposits and Currency, Excluding Noncorporate Farms; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CDCABSNNB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Checkable Deposits and Currency, Excluding Corporate Farms; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CDCABSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Consumer Durable Goods, Current Cost Basis, Level CDGABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Equities; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CEABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Closed-End Funds; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CEFTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate and Foreign Bonds; Asset, Level CFBABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level CMIABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Nonprofit Organizations; Commercial Mortgages; Liability, Level CMLBSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Commercial Paper; Asset, Level CPABSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Commercial Paper; Liability, Level CPLBSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Credit Unions; Credit Market Instruments; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) CUTCMAHDFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Credit Unions; FHLB Advances; Liability, Level CUTCMDODFS 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Total Currency and Deposits Including Money Market Fund Shares; Asset, Level DABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Life Insurance Companies, General Accounts; Deferred and Unpaid Life Insurance Premiums; Asset, Level DULIPLBSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business; Equity in Farm Credit System, Excluding Noncorporate Farms; Asset, Level (DISCONTINUED) EIGSEABSNNB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2015-06-11
Households and Nonprofit Organizations; Proprietors' Equity in Noncorporate Business, Level ENBABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Noncorporate Business; Equipment, Current Cost Basis, Level ESABSNNB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Equipment, Current Cost Basis, Level ESABSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Nonresidential Equipment, Historical Cost Basis, Level ESATASHCBSNNCB 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10
Nonfinancial Corporate Business; Equipment, Current Cost Basis, Level ESONOABSHNO 2016-03-29 Bil. of $ Q NSA 2016-03-10

Series 1 - 50 of 813    1 2 3 4 5 6 Next » [17]


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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