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Published: 2016-07-17

Series 51 - 77 of 77    « Previous 1 2

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Purchased Professional and Technical Services for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPPTSEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Purchased Repair and Maintenance for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPPRMEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Purchased Freight Transportation for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms EXPPFTEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2024-01-31
Purchased Fuels for Transportation Equipment for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms EXPPFEEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2024-01-31
Purchased Communication Services for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPPCSEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Purchased Advertising and Promotional Services for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPPAPEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Lease and Rental Payments for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPLRPEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Governmental Taxes and License Fees for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPGTLEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Expensed Purchases of Software for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms EXPEPSEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2024-01-31
Purchased Fuels (Except Motor Fuels) for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPEMFEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Total Expense for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Total Expense for Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation, Establishments Subject to Federal Income Tax, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPEF481212TAXABL Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Total Expense for Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPEF481212ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Total Expense for Scheduled Freight Air Transportation, Establishments Subject to Federal Income Tax, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPEF481112TAXABL Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Total Expense for Scheduled Freight Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPEF481112ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Employer's Cost for Fringe Benefits for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms EXPECFEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2024-01-31
Data Processing and Other Purchased Computer Services for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPDPSEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Defined Contribution Plans for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPDCPEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Defined Benefit Pension Plans for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms (DISCONTINUED) EXPDBPEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-12-26
Depreciation and Amortization Charges for Air Transportation, All Establishments, Employer Firms EXPDACEF481ALLEST Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2024-01-31
All Employees, Air Transportation CEU4348100001 Current Thous. of Persons M NSA 2024-11-01
Real private fixed investment in equipment and software: Nonresidential: Transportation equipment: Aircraft C281RX1A020NBEA Current Bil. of Chn. 2017 $ A NSA 2024-09-26
Contributions to percent change in real private fixed investment in equipment and software: Nonresidential: Transportation equipment: Aircraft C281RW2A224NBEA Current Percentage Points at Annual Rate A NSA 2024-10-02
Private fixed investment in equipment and software: Nonresidential: Transportation equipment: Aircraft C281RC1A027NBEA Current Bil. of $ A NSA 2024-10-02
Taxes on corporate income: Domestic industries: Transportation by air B3142C0A144NBEA Current Mil. of $ A NSA 2018-08-08
Private fixed investment in equipment and software: Nonresidential: Transportation equipment: Aircraft (chain-type price index) B281RG3A086NBEA Current Index 2017=100 A NSA 2024-10-02
Real private fixed investment in equipment and software: Nonresidential: Transportation equipment: Aircraft (chain-type quantity index) B281RA3A086NBEA Current Index 2017=100 A NSA 2024-10-02

Series 51 - 77 of 77    « Previous 1 2


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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