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Published: 2017-01-18

Series 1 - 50 of 88    1 2 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Natural Rate of Unemployment (Long-Term) NROU 2017-01-18 % Q NSA 2016-01-26
Total Population: All Ages including Armed Forces Overseas POP 2017-01-18 Thous. M NSA 2016-02-23
Household Debt to GDP for United States HDTGPDUSQ163N 2017-01-18 Ratio Q NSA 2016-08-01
Commercial Real Estate Prices for United States COMREPUSQ159N 2017-01-18 % Chg. from Yr. Ago Q NSA 2016-08-01
Real Median Family Income in the United States MEFAINUSA672N 2017-01-18 2015 CPI-U-RS Adjusted $ A NSA 2016-09-13
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield Relative to Yield on 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity (DISCONTINUED) BAA10Y 2017-01-18 % D NSA 2016-10-07
Contract Rate on 30-Year, Fixed-Rate Conventional Home Mortgage Commitments (DISCONTINUED) WRMORTG 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2016-10-07
Moody's Seasoned Baa Corporate Bond Yield (DISCONTINUED) WBAA 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2016-10-17
Homeownership Rate for the United States RSAHORUSQ156S 2017-01-18 % Q SA 2016-10-27
5-Year Swap Rate (DISCONTINUED) WSWP5 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2016-10-31
10-Year Swap Rate (DISCONTINUED) WSWP10 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2016-10-31
Return on Average Assets for all U.S. Banks USROA 2017-01-18 % Q NSA 2016-11-15
Return on Average Equity for all U.S. Banks USROE 2017-01-18 % Q NSA 2016-11-15
Commercial Banks in the U.S. USNUM 2017-01-18 Number Q NSA 2016-11-15
Net Interest Margin for all U.S. Banks USNIM 2017-01-18 % Q NSA 2016-11-15
E-Commerce Retail Sales as a Percent of Total Sales ECOMPCTSA 2017-01-18 % Q SA 2016-11-17
All-Transactions House Price Index for the United States USSTHPI 2017-01-18 Index 1980 Q1=100 Q NSA 2016-11-28
Gross Domestic Product: Implicit Price Deflator A191RI1Q225SBEA 2017-01-18 % Chg. from Preceding Period Q SAAR 2016-11-29
Asset Quality Measures, Delinquencies on All Loans and Leases, Commercial and Industrial, All Commercial Banks DALLCIACBEP 2017-01-18 Mil. of $ Q NSA 2016-11-29
Delinquency Rate on Business Loans, All Commercial Banks DRBLACBS 2017-01-18 % Q SA 2016-11-29
Delinquency Rate on Credit Card Loans, All Commercial Banks DRCCLACBS 2017-01-18 % Q SA 2016-11-29
Delinquency Rate on Single-Family Residential Mortgages, Booked in Domestic Offices, All Commercial Banks DRSFRMACBS 2017-01-18 % Q SA 2016-11-29
M2 for China MYAGM2CNM189N 2017-01-18 National Currency M NSA 2016-12-01
Real Total Gross Domestic Product for California CARGSP 2017-01-18 Mil. of Chn. 2009 $ A NSA 2016-12-07
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Started: Total Units HOUST 2017-01-18 Thous. of Units M SAAR 2016-12-16
Unemployment Rate in California CAUR 2017-01-18 % M SA 2016-12-16
Private Residential Fixed Investment PRFI 2017-01-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2016-12-22
Corporate Profits After Tax (without IVA and CCAdj) CP 2017-01-18 Bil. of $ Q SAAR 2016-12-22
Real gross domestic product per capita A939RX0Q048SBEA 2017-01-18 Chn. 2009 $ Q SAAR 2016-12-22
Real Gross Domestic Product A191RO1Q156NBEA 2017-01-18 % Chg. from Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago Q SA 2016-12-22
Federal Debt: Total Public Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product GFDEGDQ188S 2017-01-18 % of GDP Q SA 2016-12-22
New Privately-Owned Housing Units Authorized in Permit-Issuing Places: Total Units PERMIT 2017-01-18 Thous. of Units M SAAR 2016-12-23
S&P/Case-Shiller 20-City Composite Home Price Index SPCS20RSA 2017-01-18 Index Jan 2000 = 100 M SA 2016-12-27
S&P/Case-Shiller CA-San Francisco Home Price Index SFXRSA 2017-01-18 Index Jan 2000 = 100 M SA 2016-12-27
S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller CA-Los Angeles Home Price Index LXXRSA 2017-01-18 Index Jan 2000=100 M SA 2016-12-27
S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index CSUSHPISA 2017-01-18 Index Jan 2000 = 100 M SA 2016-12-27
Household Debt Service Payments as a Percent of Disposable Personal Income TDSP 2017-01-18 % Q SA 2016-12-27
Unemployment Rate in Los Angeles County, CA CALOSA7URN 2017-01-18 % M NSA 2016-12-29
Smoothed U.S. Recession Probabilities RECPROUSM156N 2017-01-18 % M NSA 2017-01-03
5-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate T5YIEM 2017-01-18 % M NSA 2017-01-03
Effective Federal Funds Rate FEDFUNDS 2017-01-18 % M NSA 2017-01-03
All Employees, Truck Transportation CES4348400001 2017-01-18 Thous. of Persons M SA 2017-01-06
Light Weight Vehicle Sales: Autos and Light Trucks ALTSALES 2017-01-18 Mil. of Units M SAAR 2017-01-10
Total Vehicle Sales TOTALSA 2017-01-18 Mil. of Units M SAAR 2017-01-10
Crude Oil Prices: Brent - Europe WCOILBRENTEU 2017-01-18 $ per Barrel W NSA 2017-01-11
Crude Oil Prices: West Texas Intermediate (WTI) - Cushing, Oklahoma WCOILWTICO 2017-01-18 $ per Barrel W NSA 2017-01-11
15-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States MORTGAGE15US 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2017-01-12
30-Year Fixed Rate Mortgage Average in the United States MORTGAGE30US 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2017-01-12
5/1-Year Adjustable Rate Mortgage Average in the United States MORTGAGE5US 2017-01-18 % W NSA 2017-01-12
Rail Freight Carloads RAILFRTCARLOADSD11 2017-01-18 Carloads M SA 2017-01-12

Series 1 - 50 of 88    1 2 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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