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Tunisia Data

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Published: 2017-03-27

Series 301 - 334 of 334    [1] « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Use of Financial Services: Key Indicators, Outstanding Loans from Commercial Banks to Households for Tunisia TUNFCSODCHGGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-10-07
Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans to Households at Commercial Banks for Tunisia TUNFCSODCHXDC Current National Currency A NSA 2024-10-07
Use of Financial Services, Assets: Outstanding Loans at Commercial Banks for Tunisia TUNFCSODCXDC Current National Currency A NSA 2024-10-07
Broad Money for Tunisia TUNFMBPCHPT Current % Chg. A NSA 2024-11-06
Central Government Net Lending/borrowing (central Govt Fiscal Balance) for Tunisia TUNGCXCNLGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-11-06
Overall Fiscal Balance for General Government for Tunisia TUNGGBGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2022-04-27
Total Government Debt for General Government for Tunisia TUNGGDGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-11-06
Total Expenditure and Net Lending for General Government for Tunisia TUNGGENLGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2020-04-15
General Government Net Debt for Tunisia TUNGGNDGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2019-05-07
Total Revenue, Excluding Grants, for General Government for Tunisia TUNGGRXGGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-11-06
Gross Domestic Product in Current Prices for Tunisia TUNNGDPDUSD Current U.S. $ A NSA 2024-11-06
Oil Real GDP Growth in Constant Prices for Tunisia TUNNGDPORPCHPT Current % Chg. A NSA 2022-10-31
Gross Domestic Product in Constant Prices for Tunisia TUNNGDPRPCHPT Current % Chg. A NSA 2024-11-06
Non-Oil Real GDP Growth in Constant Prices for Tunisia TUNNGDPXORPCHPT Current % Chg. A NSA 2022-10-31
Core Consumer Price Inflation for Tunisia TUNPCPICOREPCHPT Current % Chg. A NSA 2024-11-06
Consumer Price Inflation for Tunisia TUNPCPIPCHPT Current % Chg. A NSA 2024-11-06
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Texas TXTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Texas TXTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Utah UTTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Utah UTTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Virginia VATUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2018-06-26
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Virginia VATUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Vermont VTTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2018-06-26
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Vermont VTTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2018-06-26
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Washington WATUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Washington WATUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Wisconsin WITUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Wisconsin WITUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from West Virginia WVTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2018-06-26
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Wyoming WYTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2018-06-26
Exchange Rate (market+estimated) for Tunisia XRNCUSTNA618NRUG Current National Currency Units per US $ A NSA 2021-01-21
Barro-Lee: Population age 25+ with tertiary schooling. Total (Incomplete and Completed Tertiary) for Tunisia BARTERICMP25UPZSTUN Current % 5Y NSA 2017-02-14
Population, Total for Tunisia POPTOTTN52647NWDB Current Persons 5Y NSA 2014-06-10
Net migration for Tunisia SMPOPNETMTUN Current People 5Y NSA 2020-09-11

Series 301 - 334 of 334    [1] « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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