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Tunisia Data

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Published: 2017-03-27

Series 151 - 200 of 334    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Illinois ILTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Kansas KSTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Iowa IATUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Delaware DETUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Delaware DETUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Connecticut CTTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Colorado COTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Colorado COTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from California CATUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from California CATUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Arizona AZTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Arizona AZTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Alabama ALTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Alabama ALTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Arkansas ARTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from South Carolina SCTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Pennsylvania PATUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Oregon ORTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Oregon ORTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Oklahoma OKTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from New York NYTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Maryland MDTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Kansas KSTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Georgia GATUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Georgia GATUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Indiana INTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Iowa IATUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Florida FLTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Florida FLTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Illinois ILTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Real GDP at Constant National Prices for Tunisia RGDPNATNA666NRUG Current Mil. of 2017 U.S. $ A NSA 2021-11-08
Output-side Real GDP at chained Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia RGDPOSTNA666NRUG Current Mil. of 2017 U.S. $ A NSA 2021-11-08
Expenditure-side Real GDP at Chained Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia RGDPESTNA666NRUG Current Mil. of 2017 U.S. $ A NSA 2021-11-08
Price Level of Exports for Tunisia PLXCPPTNA670NRUG Current Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2017=1 A NSA 2021-11-08
Price Level of Imports for Tunisia PLMCPPTNA670NRUG Current Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2017=1 A NSA 2021-11-08
Price Level of Capital Formation for Tunisia PLICPPTNA670NRUG Current Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2017=1 A NSA 2021-11-08
Price level of Output-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities (Purchasing Power Parity/Exchange Rate) for Tunisia PLGDPOTNA670NRUG Current Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2017=1 A NSA 2021-11-08
Price Level of Government Consumption for Tunisia PLGCPPTNA670NRUG Current Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2017=1 A NSA 2021-11-08
Price Level of Household Consumption for Tunisia PLCCPPTNA670NRUG Current Price Level of USA Output-side GDP in 2017=1 A NSA 2021-11-08
Share of Merchandise Exports at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CSHXCPTNA156NRUG Current % A NSA 2021-11-08
Share of Residual Trade and GDP Statistical Discrepancy at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CSHRCPTNA156NRUG Current % A NSA 2021-11-08
Share of Gross Capital Formation at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CSHICPTNA156NRUG Current % A NSA 2021-11-08
Share of Merchandise Imports at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CSHMCPTNA156NRUG Current % A NSA 2021-11-08
Output-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CGDPOSTNA666NRUG Current Mil. of 2017 U.S. $ A NSA 2021-11-08
Expenditure-side Real GDP at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CGDPESTNA666NRUG Current Mil. of 2017 U.S. $ A NSA 2021-11-08
Share of Household Consumption at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CSHCCPTNA156NRUG Current % A NSA 2021-11-08
Share of Government Consumption at Current Purchasing Power Parities for Tunisia CSHGCPTNA156NRUG Current % A NSA 2021-11-08
Bank Deposits to GDP for Tunisia DDOI02TNA156NWDB Current % A NSA 2022-03-23
Number of Listed Companies for Tunisia DDOM01TNA644NWDB Current Number of Listed Companies per Mil. People A NSA 2022-03-23
Percentage of Foreign Banks Among Total Banks for Tunisia DDOI13TNA156NWDB Current % A NSA 2022-03-23

Series 151 - 200 of 334    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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