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Tunisia Data

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Published: 2017-03-27

Series 51 - 100 of 334    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »

Title Series ID Vintage
Units Freq Seas
Use of Financial Services: Number of Depositors at Commercial Banks for Tunisia TUNFCDODCPENUM Current Number A NSA 2020-11-09
Use of Financial Services: Key Indicators, Depositors with Commercial Banks Per 1000 Adults for Tunisia TUNFCDODCANUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, for Other Deposit Takers for Tunisia TUNFCBODDNUM Current Number A NSA 2015-12-15
Geographical Outreach: Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, for Commercial Banks for Tunisia TUNFCBODCNUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Number of Branches in 3 Largest Cities, Excluding Headquarters, for Commercial Banks for Tunisia TUNFCBODCLNUM Current Number A NSA 2016-11-10
Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators Commercial Bank Branches Per 1000 Km2 for Tunisia TUNFCBODCKNUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators Commercial Bank Branches Per 100,000 Adults for Tunisia TUNFCBODCANUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Number of Branches, Excluding Headquarters, for Other Financial Intermediaries for Tunisia TUNFCBMNUM Current Number A NSA 2018-06-26
Geographical Outreach: Number of Branches in 3 Largest Cities, Excluding Headquarters, for Other Financial Intermediaries for Tunisia TUNFCBMLNUM Current Number A NSA 2016-11-10
Use of Financial Services Deposit Accounts: Accounts at Insurance Corporations for Tunisia TUNFCAOFINUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Use of Financial Services Deposit Accounts: Life Insurance Accounts at Insurance Corporations for Tunisia TUNFCAOFILPNUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Use of Financial Services Deposit Accounts: Non-life Insurance Accounts at Insurance Corporations for Tunisia TUNFCAOFILNNUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators ATMs Per 1000 Km2 for Tunisia TUNFCAKNUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Number of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Country Wide for Tunisia TUNFCACNUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Geographical Outreach: Number of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in 3 Largest Cities for Tunisia TUNFCACLNUM Current Number A NSA 2016-11-10
Geographical Outreach: Key Indicators ATMs Per 100,000 Adults for Tunisia TUNFCAANUM Current Number A NSA 2023-10-13
Gross International Reserves Held by Central Bank for Tunisia TUNFAFARUSD Current U.S. $ A NSA 2024-04-19
Total External Debt for Tunisia TUNDGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-04-19
Exports of Goods and Services for Tunisia TUNBXUSD Current U.S. $ A NSA 2024-04-19
Imports of Goods and Services for Tunisia TUNBMUSD Current U.S. $ A NSA 2024-04-19
Balance on Current Account for Tunisia TUNBCAUSD Current US $ A NSA 2024-04-19
Current Account Balance for Tunisia TUNBCAGDPGDPPT Current % of GDP A NSA 2024-04-19
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Tennessee TNTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Tennessee TNTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2018-06-26
Population Growth for Tunisia SPPOPGROWTUN Current % Chg. at Annual Rate A NSA 2024-07-02
Age Dependency Ratio: Older Dependents to Working-Age Population for Tunisia SPPOPDPNDOLTUN Current % of Working-Age Population A NSA 2024-07-02
Population ages 65 and above for Tunisia SPPOP65UPTOZSTUN Current % of Total A NSA 2024-07-02
Population Ages 15 to 64 for Tunisia SPPOP1564TOZSTUN Current % of Total A NSA 2024-07-02
Population Ages 0 to 14 for Tunisia SPPOP0014TOZSTUN Current % of Total A NSA 2024-07-02
Fertility Rate, Total for Tunisia SPDYNTFRTINTUN Current Births per Woman A NSA 2024-06-04
Life Expectancy at Birth, Total for Tunisia SPDYNLE00INTUN Current Number of Years A NSA 2024-06-04
Infant Mortality Rate for Tunisia SPDYNIMRTINTUN Current Number per 1,000 Live Births A NSA 2024-06-04
Crude Birth Rate for Tunisia SPDYNCBRTINTUN Current Births per 1,000 People A NSA 2024-06-04
Adolescent Fertility Rate for Tunisia SPADOTFRTTUN Current Births per 1,000 Women Ages 15-19 A NSA 2024-06-04
Net migration for Tunisia SMPOPNETMTUN Current People 5Y NSA 2020-09-11
Youth Unemployment Rate for Tunisia SLUEM1524ZSTUN Current % A NSA 2024-07-02
Employment to Population Ratio for Tunisia SLEMPTOTLSPZSTUN Current % A NSA 2024-04-02
GINI Index for Tunisia SIPOVGINITUN Current Index A NSA 2024-09-19
Ratio of Female to Male Tertiary School Enrollment for Tunisia SEENRTERTFMZSTUN Current Ratio A NSA 2023-10-31
Ratio of Female to Male Secondary School Enrollment for Tunisia SEENRSECOFMZSTUN Current Ratio A NSA 2020-10-08
Ratio of Female to Male Primary School Enrollment for Tunisia SEENRPRIMFMZSTUN Current Ratio A NSA 2022-12-27
Literacy Rate, Adult Total for Tunisia SEADTLITRZSTUN Current % of People Ages 15 and Above A NSA 2024-06-05
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from South Dakota SDTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2018-06-26
Value of Exports to Tunisia from South Dakota SDTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2015-08-27
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from South Carolina SCTUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2021-01-29
Value of Exports to Tunisia from South Carolina SCTUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2021-01-29
Total Factor Productivity at Constant National Prices for Tunisia RTFPNATNA632NRUG Current Index 2017=1 A NSA 2023-02-27
Capital Stock at Constant National Prices for Tunisia RKNANPTNA666NRUG Current Mil. of 2017 U.S. $ A NSA 2023-02-27
Number of Identified Exporters to Tunisia from Rhode Island RITUNA475SCEN Current Number of Firms A NSA 2018-06-26
Value of Exports to Tunisia from Rhode Island RITUNA052SCEN Current $ A NSA 2018-06-26

Series 51 - 100 of 334    « Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next »


Frequency (Freq)

A = Annual, SA = Semiannual, Q = Quarterly, M = Monthly, BW = Biweekly, W = Weekly, D = Daily, NA = Not Applicable

Seasonal Adjustment (Seas Adj)

SA = Seasonally Adjusted, NSA = Not Seasonally Adjusted, SAAR = Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, SSA = Smoothed Seasonally Adjusted, NA = Not Applicable

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